Sunday, December 21, 2014

In me

Those little things are what make me really happy, simple considerations, thoughtful gestures and surprises. I never really pondered why I like them so much until today and while I'm here sick in bed I can't help but smile at how easy I am to please.

I'm not one to run thirsty behind sex, it never was my main motivation because to me the sex is just another bonding part of a relationship but not even close to the core. Sure you can get your body naked but what about your soul? I absolutely love being able to connect at the soul, it's the strongest and most satisfying bond ever because it reveals so much about myself and the lady I'm with and us as a team. That intimacy where I'm unafraid to be me, my soft side that loves to cuddle, that sweetness of being kissed slowly and warmly, the security of a hug so tight that all I want to do is bury myself in you. I don't want to be at a distance from such heaven, I won't hide from so much love, there's so much I want u to know about me, more than my fears and my cares, I want u to know how silly I behave when u tickle me, I want u to see the glow in my eyes when you wrap me in your arms, I want u to see my desires when you turn me on and I crave you and only you. It won't happen in one night but bit by bit the magic is revealed, I'm not as complicated as people say nor am I anywhere near as vile and cruel as the world believes. Those are fronts to keep the unwanted out and allow only you in. Only you will know I love to be massaged on my ankles, only you will know if you rest your feet on me I'll rub them til you fall asleep, only you will know if you caress my curly hair I giggle like a school girl and blush the same way. Being in your presence is more than enough to make me smile, you alone will know that deep in my mind I work hard on being a better man so you will be proud of me. These are jus the basic things of my being and all I want is for you to love me just the way I love you.

My love is simple, it's filled with care, it's a joyous celebration of everything we share, my love is deep and filled with passion, when you bleed I bleed and when you succeed I succeed. My love is an overflow of compassion and kindness, an undying yield to serve you my sweet princess, never will I be able to resist your touch for as long as I love you my entire being will be at your disposal. My love is never shared for many cannot reap the same total, only you are my queen and only you are the source of my fire. I do hope this love you can understand for it's feelings and commitment and passion and a burning inferno of desire.…………………………………………

Friday, November 7, 2014

War and me

Epiphany is a hell of a feeling, it's when all that clarity hits u all at once and suddenly everything becomes clear! Today I realized how the devil keeps beating me, today I fully understand how he always wins despite my best efforts! Today I've seen his strategy carte blanche!!

It really does come down to us as individuals, we have to be really willing to take a good hard look at ourselves to be perfectly sure of where we gonna be attacked. Satan is a war tactician and as such he lives to discover my weaknesses, but those weaknesses aren't just what I know, they're also the points that  blind to, the points I try to hide and especially the points I'm afraid to face. Today I saw what I thought to be a beautiful woman and had a perfect opportunity to talk to her but I felt inadequate and shy, I felt less than a human being because of a false sense of belief that I lacked the necessaries to be a king to this woman. I lack finances of others, I'm nowhere near the best in bed, my manners are sometimes poor and worst of all I barely have time for myself. These factors led me to believe that I'm unworthy and because of my insecurities I shied away from what could have been something beautiful. If I were warring against me and wanted me to fail nothing would be easier than to exaggerate these insecurities especially if I could see them with ease! So that led me to realize that my success is being blocked by an exaggerated illusion of my own creations!!

Imagine an entity that can see our back doors, an entity that can pinpoint with accuracy the source of the sad tears we shed behind closed doors and then turn those insecurities into weapons of war against us! This is what Satan does, it's an ancient war tactic where you use the force of your enemy to defeat them! In this case the force of our insecurities are what we battle against daily. The question is how do we win………………………………… well you can't answer that question unless you know what you willing to do to be a better person. Are you really brave enough to face your fears, acknowledge your imperfections, confess your faults, expose your vulnerabilities, open your heart to a world that you're afraid will hurt you?? If you lack this courage then Satan will always win because he will always have weapons to destroy you, he will always have soft spots to torment you with til your an insomniac zombie awaiting eternal flames of pain! Which life would you rather live?

Monday, September 1, 2014


I know it's my fault when things don't go right but it's so often now that even when things seem ready to fall into place they don't. I feel very pessimistic about life as I get older, I feel unfulfilled and underachieving, I'm not sleeping because I'm not happy with my life. After all the disappointments and constant failures I know I have myself to blame but what more is there? Why can't I take the steps necessary to achieve what I want? Lord knows I've been searching for months and years keeping up a charade in the meantime to pretend as if I've done it all when in fact I haven't even started yet. Nothing goes my way and anything good to come is all an illusion at the moment. It seems good but it really isn't and now I find myself stuck and unable to move.

It saddens me daily that this is what I call life, plenty ambition but no means to achieve it and no support to push on. Everybody expects me to be this big strong superhero but I'm so fragile and feel so weak and useless, I feel as if nothing will ever go right for me no matter what I do it seems I'm just destined to be stuck in a rut. The darkness I see more and more of has me feeling depressed and disabled, I have no hope of being anything but stuck under the thumb of others and it bothers me. Maybe it's because I'm home I haven't achieved anything, but why is it so hard? Why do I forever have to not have while everybody else can go out and get theirs? No matter how I turn I just cannot seem to get past this limiting barrier and it is frustrating me! Stuck at the same level for more than a decade and it seems no matter how I try I just cannot escape!!! Where am I going wrong lord? What am I not doing that I just cannot seem to not have to rely on these abusive people I'm surrounded by? What lesson do I have to learn to finally have my own? Something as simple as purchasing a car seems like scaling the cosmos on foot!! Why?? Why are these basic things so hard? Why am I forever having these doors closed and being banned from moving forward? Just this little step I cannot achieve? This one thing I wanted and by every turn I'm denied again and again no matter which road I walk? I'm broke and left with nothing, I was humble and then attacked only to now be persecuted and hunted! If I only strike back then all of a sudden I'm the greatest evil ever! Lord you know the thoughts that persist in my mind, you see the darkness that is my heart. As time wears on I love less and less and I begin to feel more and more hate towards all that exists. I cannot fathom why you don't open doors for me or why I'm always left in the shade and denied any opportunity to advance but it is at the point where I am sick and fucking tired of it all!! Even now as I type this I see my phone giving me a hard time and it is this shit I cannot stand!! Why is everything for me such a fucking issue? Even to type now is a problem? How is it when I'm not doing anything related to my growth I don't see these headaches? Am I really just meant to be a waste and nothing more? Cannot have children cannot even get a car and all of this negativity for what? While those who I help go further and I'm just stuck here unable to move?

I will be awaiting your answers lord, patiently awaiting because none of this makes any sense to me whatsoever. I know your timing is different to mine but know that I'm at my wits end and ready to strike with rage! I can't deal with this constant denial for no reason that has me feeling incapable of anything! Even small achievements escape me and it is impossible to understand what the fuck you have planned for me when nothing is shown to me! I'm waiting ………………………………

Monday, August 4, 2014

Kiss and Tell

The old foundations of romance and intimacy are fast eroding to a new and destructive concept of boastful sex. These days it seems so much easier to speak loudly and proudly of how many women or men someone has been with rather than focus that time and energy towards building a healthy and stable home.

This new age thinking is derived mainly from the rebellion ages of the 70s and 80s where freedom of sexuality was incorrectly perceived as the freedom of promiscuity. The old borders of tact and control gave way to a new and bold open expression that set the stage for the demise of society. No one was ready for these newfound freedoms and psychologically it let loose an epidemic of inhibitions that led to insane social taboos each year outdoing the last for innovation, recklessness, obscenity and turbulence. Daredevils they became upping the ante every chance they got, from multiple partners to multiple partners in bed all at the same time. Homes were invaded by a generation free to experiment with their bodies unchecked and so they did it all, from drugs to multiple orgies to bdsm and the list goes on. The human body began to be pushed to new extremes with new devices and fetishes being revealed and made public. These revelations have led to indiscriminately unleashed lust and an abuse of new found knowledge and daring that have beyond noticeably shaken the once formal public facet. Interestingly enough all of these seemingly new detached sexual escapades have been secretly running underground for years, from J Edgar Hoover's secret  boyfriend to discreet infidelity acts once shunned by the elders publicly but murmured around in circles of the in the know.

The question begs, was it only a matter of time before the pressures of secrecy caused a massive cave in and give rise to the rebels? Well bear in mind these same rebels tore down the Berlin wall, ended the cold war, gave rise to retail riches, reinvented the art of music repeatedly and single handedly revolutionized the ideas of Hollywood and the now mighty Bollywood and nollywood. Personally having examined this aspect of it, I do not believe humanity still understands the destructive power of desire. For years we have gotten it wrong and in many mythologies it has been the downfall of many empires, from the storied city of Troy to the hallowed halls of the palace of king Solomon the wise.

To me desire is just a temporary burst of passion that ought not to be a decision making factor. I do not believe in one night sexcapades nor do I believe in allowing lust to overwhelm my decision making process. These bursts of emotions are blinding and lead to many a ruined home and failed expectation and sadly many a broken heart. Learn the difference people, desire and lust do not equate love. Never have and never will, Delilah killed Sampson with desire, Troy fell because of lust and many a great man has been ruined because of unbridled hormones. Learn those lessons!!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Ashes to Ashes

Quiet nights these eyes often seek, a peaceful soul you yearn to keep. Birthed in humility, raised in country bliss, an untamed spirit got planted in the depths of conformity and acceptance. Forced to sacrifice joy for semblance of sanity, many nights the tears soak pillows and sheets, weep after weep, week after week, no escape seems in sight for me.

I wonder daily how these two footed robots fail to feel, fail to imagine, fail to dream. They go about their routine with mechanical ease, drowning in routine and constant monotony. There was a time I could look at the skies and feel the winds of tomorrow clearing the clouds so I can see the stars, each star I wished on and prayed that I would see double the days that I counted. For a while there was bliss, for a while nothing hissed, for a while there was nothing but the Caribbean breeze under the shade of a broad palm leaf.

Concrete is the box I call home, even the mosquitoes are afraid of this desolation. The iron and glass prisons offer no magnificence to even gently tickle my imagination. My chains are heavy, my tears are plenty, my cries deafeningly silent as the master whips his slave calling me to work on this godforsaken plantation. No longer do the winds of tomorrow show me the stars to count my days, they don't even dance on my hair and cheeks and ask me to play.

Someday I will be free, someday I will smile with glee, someday I will walk amongst the playful winds of tomorrow's bright promise. And as each night falls and the burning pains of the day pass away, quietly I fall on my knees and pray, father don't forget me, you promised me that you will always protect me! You promised me that you will never leave me, you promised me that you will always be close to my heart so please don't leave me! This place is so scary and I feel so alone, even a hug from you will light my dimming eyes up just one more time so I can dream of a tropical sunrise where I can truly be ashes to ashes, servant to servant, angel to angel.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Society truths

Sometimes I meet people and I try my best to understand who they are as individuals but it ends up back firing. I always find with those people they're very distrusting of themselves due to their inability to properly mask their insecurities. Some go so far as to hide behind ideals and concepts as a fortress of justification in the name of covering their very exposed weaknesses.

Well to you people I can only say that not only do I see you but the world sees you. We all see how childish and petty you are, we all see your frailties, your fears, your tears, we see the nightmares and we see that you caused them all. A connection with someone is based on communication but if you refuse to share in that communication then who gonna take you seriously?? Without that communication no one will know what you really have to offer because no one will waste time attempting to see past all your very visible flaws in the name of interest alone. All that leaves is your vessel which in itself isn't a coveted prize because there's no substance in the vessel to be seen. Then you turn and complain that you been used and abused by the world and that its so cold and cruel but what have you done about it? Where in the equation did you set the standard for who you are and what you expect? Don't you know that how you interact with others shows the standard you're willing to accept? So if there is no standard then how can you claim to want any?

Something people do not realize, when you try to build a fortress to shield yourself away from the world you actually expose all your precious secrets because they're only cages that we can see right through so no one is interested in helping them get free of their master. That's the equivalent of bleeding from the stomach but covering it with a sheet and saying you're not in distress. Well when the world doesn't want to help you don't say it's the world's fault, man up, be honest and confess that you yourself are to blame with your cowardly spineless ways. The fighting spirit of humanity is most definitely lacking in the likes of you. Thankfully just like a cockroach if you threaten to step on it alone you too will runaway from anyone looking like they coming to stamp out your pains because you're too busy holding on to them. #patheticinfidels

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fact or Theory

It's a struggle today being a parent, children are exposed to more and more to concepts and follies far above their developing intellect. Society demands that children grow up faster and develop adult minds early in their teen years. From the images on the television to the mainstream music played on radios, the subliminal messages are everywhere and in overwhelming amounts! Even as adults we are pressured to quickly understand and manage the all the new information that is supposedly based on facts developed by scientists who have spent years proving their theories. Here's the problem, most humans are not aware that science of any nature isn't concrete facts. Its actually a study of observations and emotional thought to prove them as a basis for facts. For example, behavioural sciences are meant to study the complexities of the human mind by making a map print of similar traits and/or patterns in human behaviour to then develop a hypothesis based on that pattern which people now take as facts! Anatomical science is the study of living bodies to identify the functions and purpose of each part in depth to provide q base platform for healing and development. Here's the problem, this to is a bunch of hypotheses and theories as the human body has continued to baffle the logic of scientists with its seemingly limitless capabilities as more and more people are stepping forward with what is called "unique abilities". Science is not fact! It is not concrete evidence of anything and therefore does not constitute as a valid source of information to ingest. I'm not here to disprove the accomplishments of science, even the very phone I'm using to print this message is based on science. What I am saying is that people need to learn to identify correct sources of information before running around quoting everything and everyone!

Also to bear in mind is our evolutionary process as human beings. Everyday new information is revealed and foundations are shifted because of it. However we ought to note that these foundations aren't sturdy to begin with, like the concept of the beginning of life by science and their big bang theory or the sudden disappearance of dinosaurs by some great meteor! All wild imaginary ideas even a child could drum up but yet to be proven!! The religious folks will think they have won in that all their evidence is proven. Well I have news for you morons too, your teachings are not only shaky but greatly manipulated by the inaccurate interpretations of man! Your no different to the scientists who you  wage war against!! I remember a pastor saying that one cannot achieve growth without planting a seed, all well and good but what is this seed? His interpretation? Money!! Here's the problem, yes it is true that by logic no plant can grow without a seed but to say that seed is money alone and that if you give more money then you shall receive more blessings is folly!! Seed is a source and therefore is not limited to money you greedy ass dumb fuck! How is it I can pass crucial exams by giving you more money? How can I get that job by giving you more money? How can I acquire a loan by giving you more money? Money is not seed!! I can only speak

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Ode to You

I think long and hard about you many days, wondering who you are and when I will meet you. There have been many illusions before and to be honest I'm unsure I'm still ready to meet you but I'm pushing harder to be ready.

This world is a dark place however and sadly it's getting darker by the day as evil grows and heroes fall with their lights fading away one by one. I still pray that I will meet you one day and we can have a life together in what may not be the ideal paradise but we can make it one. Our lights can shine brightly together paving the way for what will be a glorious rainbow shining over the horizon. I'm not sure what you will look like or what I'm gonna meet you with but I will try my best with all that I have to be the man you imagined me to be. You may be older or you may be younger or you may even be from my past, whoever you are I look forward to meeting you someday. Life is actually very beautiful when you remove the dramatic and unproductive as well as the discontented and agitating. I've seen what a sample of harmony is in a true relationship and I won't lie, it is amazing to say the least! Many days I've spent in bliss wondering what happiness awaits next, and truthfully it has been some of the simplest things that brought me so much joy, such as random hugs, unexpected compliments and spur of the moment kisses. Might seem silly but to me these things make so much sense, it brings me much comfort and joy and I hope that it brings you the same feelings for I have many to give.

Maybe I'm hoping for too much or maybe I'm stuck in a hopeless fantasy, these are things the world would like me to believe but I've never been a man of the world nor a fan of it's ideals. I believe in unrestricted love, unconditional passion and above all else blind love! I don't ever believe that anything ought to be held back between true friends because I believe lovers are true friends and true friends have an inseparable bond. The security of that bond is a feeling I cannot even begin to describe, I've experienced it and the thrill of such affection was enough to send me wild. Made me do lots of things that to this day I have never replicated!! Sad is the day I had to give up such connections but I can tell you I know what they feel like and I know I'm willing to make that connection once again. I hope our bond is even stronger than those from before, I pray that our friendship is even more enjoyable than those before, I dream daily that our trust is even greater than those before. Neither of us are perfect but that's what learning is about, to teach us how to be beautifully perfect for each other in peaceful bliss.

Someday we'll meet, someday we'll greet but until that day I'll be faithfully waiting for you, because even now I already know nothing compares to your heavenly blessing…………………………………

Friday, June 27, 2014

Swords of Revealing Light

Revelations are those which most of us don't understand until it's too late. For me I see them as answers awaiting arrival at the right time and for the right reasons from almighty God Jehovah! In all my days nothing has been truer as time and time again he has shown why his ways are higher than my ways. He has revealed the truths about situations I've been in, people I've kept around me and the lifestyle I was living. Most importantly he has shown me truths about myself, the life I'm supposed to live and the ideals I ought to put forward as my image.

Too often I become entangled in the images I see and not the image I ought to show. In this world of excess and overindulgence, it's far too easy for the mind to be tempted and the heart to be grieved. This is a world of plentiful and even though suffering exists everywhere it's actually restrained to a select few. As a man living amongst this planet of apes, I have been tempted to become an ape, behave like an ape, suffer like an ape but yet still look like a man. If you're not following think of how humanly apes look yet still we know them as beasts and not human beings and now you begin to see the derelict of confusion that is the modern world. My strength is in my god given ability to blend without succumbing, I can be in the world without being of the world. Easily I adapt and see the strengths and weaknesses of human overindulgence, the struggles of poor planning and the destruction that is caused by pride and arrogance. Sadly though adaptation removes me from the mirror I ought to be looking at regularly to ensure I develop and reinforce my own weaknesses and build my strengths. I recently glanced in that mirror and realized despite how far I have come I have much further to go. My pride is the fuel of my overconfidence which blinds me from avoiding the trip holes I'm prone to falling into. Tunnel vision is a dangerous trait of mine and I'm yet to get out of this habit even though the consequences have time and time again proven detrimental to me. I realized it in one of those crude management training sessions my boss puts me through, I'm unable to look closer into the big picture and miss many details. I'm actually not sure how to deal with this as it plays into another blind spot of mine which is complacency. I'm the last to admit how very complacent and procrastinating I actually am and I think it's time I come to terms with these facts. Details do matter and without them I'm surely doomed and would fail to command the respect that I currently enjoy.

I do believe if more people spent time working on themselves and not make mischief in the world we might be living in a better life. After work and sleep I'm constantly preoccupied with analyzing myself for flaws in my system and I have found many. I'm yet to realize where this lack of motivation to exercise comes from, whether it's a natural dislike for exercise or if I'm just that lazy or something traumatic that maybe on the top of my mind. It always amazes me that I can easily identify flaws and solutions to those flaws but can't formulate even a hypothesis to my own shortcomings. It's more or less the saying of seeing a splinter of the eyes of another via the the big piece of wood in my own eyes. Never thought I would own up to being like those I so criticized of such traits, the reality I'd though that it's far easier to study and identify a subject rather than be the subject for the simple reason that it takes much longer to see past your blind spot. Much like driving a car, there are certain points on the vehicle that the driver simply cannot see past unless they're the passenger. Even as the passenger though its still your vehicle so only someone on the outside can see what's really going on with your driving but that outside person can only guesstimate any issues or problems with your vehicle by listening for familiar noises or signs but only you can really check your car to see what the source of the issue is.

Clarity is a strange thing, as I write this I realize even for myself that I was right to start being more open with others. That openness can save my life from a perilous wreck if I'm not grown enough to realize that an experienced mechanic is needed on my side to survive this road to life. Yes its true that some people seem like experts when in truth and fact they're only there to derail your efforts by misleading you about what the issue with your life car really is. At the end of the day only you can really check and find the source of any malfunctions in your life car.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Friend Zone, myth or reality?

It's a nightmare to some, a safe haven for others and to the rest it's a series of questions and hieroglyphics demanding answers to explain it's alien presence. Both sexes use it without doubt but the circumstances around the term "friend zone" clearly varies from person to person and gender to gender.

Interviews with several persons of differing backgrounds and lifestyles yield startling similarities while identifying key differences in their definitions. For ken a professional barber and university student, the friend zone is a myth, he doesn't believe it exists period and his reasons why are intriguing. According to ken, all relationships are based on friendship of some sort so to state that a dreaded friend zone exists would be to consider all relationships dreaded. His parents were longtime friends who eventually pursued an intimate relationship which grew into marriage, for him this friendship is key to their success and is fundamental to his relationships. Without that friendship he states that no relationship would last because as he puts it, "who know yuh better than yuh friend?"

According to his perspective, the friend zone that society despises is actually fundamental towards building a solid relationship. Simply interpreted you have a better a chance of intimacy in the friend zone according to ken. The next person I interviewed was Andre, he's an accounting officer and defines the friend zone as a confused state of mind. He identifies that most relations in the so called friend zone are very platonic and are the cause of many misinterpreted signals from both sexes which then leads to drama. Based on his theory, there are different levels of the friend zone, the first being a nonsexual platonic level and the second being a sex only communication type where as long as no intimacy exists everyone ought to be happy. He states that this mix of emotions, intimacy and communication is what causes signals to be misread and intentions to be over and underestimated. Is he correct? Well have you ever had someone correctly caress you based on information you gave them and then wondered how you suddenly feel romantic around that person? Have you been on a seemingly harmless date with a friend in a very intimate setting that unexpectedly arose deep feelings? These according to Andre are but a few situations where we send the wrong signals to those we do not consider romantically to expect us to now be romantically involved to the point of sexual relations.

Taking a step back though, its clear that men see the friend zone as a black and white scenario. For them it's either you're getting sex or its just a friendship. Most men interviewed see the friend zone as a place where there's no hope of getting sex in the immediate future. Not some place many care to be and it's actually frowned upon when the situation comes up that sex is not involved. Well then there's the female perspective, like men women too see the friend zone as a place where little or no sex is involved but there's more. Allison gave her account of once being friend zoned by a man she genuinely liked as boyfriend material. According to her the friend said theirs  was a friendship he treasured greatly, too much to complicate with titles such as boyfriend or soul mates but he was fine with them having sex to which she objected. She stated that the friendship was based on communication, understanding and compromise, except when that discussion came up but otherwise he was someone she saw as a match for her. Listening to her story was interesting because now you have a woman talking about intimacy coming first instead of the initial attraction. She however is adamant that friends do not have sex with each other and this is where my interest really geared up. To her sex crosses a line of friendship, she says that once sex is involved she expects more than just a mere friendship. To her friends are those she partially confides in, while her significant other is her rock and house. Well now this puts a whole new spin on relations with others, here we have borders being established of a different kind. Camille and Traycee had a slightly different story to Allison, both women agreed that if the initial attraction isn't there then there's no chance of it ever being there even if you some how managed to make their grade of desire. To them the friend zone doesn't exist, they see it as clear cut, either sex is involved or it isn't. As long as there's no sex you're only appreciated as a companion and nothing more. Is that the same as the friend zone? Maybe, but considering they both agreed that friends are not people you attract yourself to then no its not. They identify friends as people they can be intimate with on a mental and spiritual level. To them a member of the same or opposite sex who has intentions of being sexually involved can never be a friend. This view is similar to that of Raquel, a final year student who has had many encounters with friends being attracted to her. The only spoken for member of the interviewed team, her reasons for maintaining a border r strictly because of her relationship with her current boyfriend. Asked what would have become of said suitors had she been single and her answers are now the same as Camille and Traycee.

What has this all taught us? Simple, to women if you're someone they can partially count on to supply their needs then prepare to be treated as just that, a partial supplier. To men, if you're a woman who supplies part of their needs then prepare to be treated as just that, a partial supplier. When it comes right down to it this partial supply is what is really known as "the friend zone."

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Snakes and Rocks

Back when the great Steve Irwin was alive and dominating my TV interests, I recall an episode where he was snake hunting in forests, deserts, rivers and even seas. One thing o always noticed is that he would forever find snakes hiding under rocks, not so much branches and leaves but almost always rocks! I didn't think much of it until today actually, snakes hide in rocks because they're safe, solid, cooling and provide a dark enough place for said snake to strike at unsuspecting prey.

Snakes do come in many forms but the most dangerous ones are found globally on almost every land mass and they have two legs. The work environment is where you find the majority of them and to be honest they pack more poison than an army of cobras on a bad day. They spend every living moment sneaking around searching for ways to undermine and destroy you, they're relentless in their pursuit of your demise and unfortunately most are armed with a level of power or slave whip as I fondly call it. They bear smiles made of either cheap or very expensive plastic and use these smiles to lure you into a false sense of security. It's really an old predator trick still used by the likes of the american snapper turtle, lion fish and Venus fly trap to name a few, the idea is to get close enough to you for a fatal strike which will render you vulnerable and exposed.

You're not expected to live in a prison of distrust but much like walking on an industrial compound exercising safety first is key with such people. Much like walking in a new forest trail, respect the environment and do your research because ignorance is not bliss nor is it paradise. What you don't know will kill you!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

On the Outside

Recently I had an encounter with a married woman, they really say doh play with fire because once it ketch yuh go get burn! Imagine this woman who mind you I have been talking to for months about finding ways to be faithful to her husband, who boasts that she was oh so committed because he actually supported her business idea approaches me for sex because why, she's horny and came Trinidad to have fun?? Unbelievable the shit people will do in the name of "freedom of sexuality" I sat there in my living room watching this woman appeal to all my likes, she feel she bright, getting her toes done and keeping that skin soft knowing what I like! Even that dress was to kill for, light and see through, very short with easy access to all the goods! Didn't even have to peek much, the dress was that short!!!

Well in my 31 years on this planet I have learned a few things about myself, firstly that I trust too many people with my weaknesses and secondly that the devil uses even your closest friends to tempt you down a dark road. Had she been single and mine I would have readily taken that bait but she was married, married for several years at that to a man who covers her every need and more. A man who she boasts made her make a pool of cum on the couch leaving her breathless to recover from, a man who bust his ass for a month straight driving up and down the east coast in a stuffy ass truck to make sure she has all that she needs in life and the only repayment she could think of is to be pissed off when he can't get a hold of her because deep down he knows she's being unfaithful. Knowing that she has the ability to bring home a disease that can cripple his lifestyle because at the end of the day is probably nerve wrecking while he's on the road and all she thinks of his her immediate pleasure! These are dark times we live in when this is the mentality of people in relationships, some days when I miss the company of being held and comforted on stressful and weary days, I remember when that married woman was here in my home and the thoughts that ran through my mind as I cried for another man whom I have never met but understood so well. I thank God I had the strength to refuse her advances, I thank God that I understood myself to use my strengths to counter her attacks on my weak spots, I thank God I did not touch that woman because the karma that would have befallen me surely would have left me a bloody mess of undone work.

These times are indeed dark and they are indeed grim, there's plenty of talk about love and commitment but I see now its mostly smoke and mirrors from people who not only lack commitment but lack discipline, justice, emotions! These are the real monsters we fear for, these are the terrors that keep us awake at night and now by God's grace I have seen your tricks and know how you think so I can avoid you early on. A wise woman once said, when someone tells you who they are BELIEVE THEM!!

Friday, May 30, 2014

How to make them leave

In this day and age its far easier to lose someone than keep them. While there are many factors that cause infidelity, sudden breakups and even unexplained absenteeism in relationships, the following are the main causes as to why people suddenly change on us:

1) uncompromising minds: so you are with someone and neither of you can see eye to eye on almost every subject matter under the planet. Healthy is a good debate yes but when it goes to the point that neither of you compromise just to even say OK you win, then it becomes a destabilizing creeper of a wreck waiting to happen. Nobody likes to ever not win, it creates resentment and shows an imbalance in point of view. To be honest it's actually a complete disregard for even the feelings of the other person when something as simple as what channel to watch on TV is always one sided.

2) unbridled aggression: you know yourselves, hot headed, short fused, hyper aggressive people. You think that by telling yourself that you tolerate no bullshit that you have the world fooled but the only fool is you. Exactly who on this planet can live with your ass always in hulk mode walking around smashing everything from faces to ideas to even tears. In your bitter rage to supposedly defend yourself from heart break you become the very monster you once complained about abusing those who have done you nothing for the sake of those who tormented you once. Some of you don't even have an excuse for being so brash and unforgiving, but the cycle you cause is undeniably present as those you abuse become abusers themselves and then you will wonder what's wrong with society.

3) attention neglect: it doesn't matter if you're man or woman, nobody likes being neglected by your significant other and u assure you if u do this expect to be shuffled out by another. Human beings r social creatures, whether we socialize in public or just with those who matter its the same need to be around like minded others who help generate the depths of our personality. It doesn't matter if you work long or play long, if half of that energy isn't spent in the home then its no longer your castle. Much like an emperor who doesn't tend to his kingdom, you will be raided by an enemy you cannot see because you're not looking at the kingdom for the warning signs of invasion. Nobody is taking away from having you time but know that if you're with someone who demands much more of your time than you can give then consider yourself as good as overthrown.

4) vanity: a lot of people actually miss this one because plain and simple its a blinder. There's a reason vanity is a sin, its self centered, self opinionated and very much selfish for that matter making the person you're supposed to be with seem less significant than a used piece of toilet paper! Yes its important to look good but when it goes to the point that you don't even notice changes in your significant other such as the fact they no longer call you daily because you're too busy being in the gym then you my friend have a problem. Vanity isn't just how much time you spend in front a mirror admiring yourself, its a complete worship of self that turns you away from other aspects of your life such as God for example!! As bad as it is living with a hulk, living with a walking worship sermon and mirror is worst!

5) poor finance management: really?? You didn't see this one coming?? How you gonna be with someone but you always broke? You yourself don't want broke people around you but you never have! You get paid, you over spend, you owe the world of debts so even a simple movie run is a problem because you simply have no money! They say money can't buy happiness but it does save relationships because you simply put need money to buy things. How can you go to dinner when you home eating stale crix and mouldy cheese?? Yet still though you want to go in people house and eat premium steak with loaded potatoes eh?? Shame on you!!

6) groupies: exactly how is it you want to be in an exclusive relationship but u have groupies? Some of you think that we just born on a Thursday right before we met you? Groupies are there for one reason and one reason only and that's to inflate your ego anytime it needs a shot in the ass or up the vagina depending on your preference in bed. Now seeing as your significant other is supposed to be the one to help you build and help your grow into an equally great person but yet still here you are with tom, dick, harry, jane, Jill and Manfred von Stickcunt draped all over your ass for you to impress who? Make a turn with that!! You deserve to be unseated!!

7) unsubstantiated exaggeration: too many big words for you? Well that's because you need not only a bigger vocabulary but you also a lesson in having actual substance about you. Simply put this is for those of you who run around boasting about how much of this and that you have when in reality you can't even buy crix without asking for hire purchase! Its important to sell yourself to a prospect but overselling is a constant thing with society today, all this talk about having the biggest dick or the best pussy is meaningless if after two minutes you done and done leaving the other person bitterly unsatisfied well prepare to come home and meet a stallion in that garage and bedroom. Don't think I forgot about you so called ballers who claim to be so independent and having your own but getting repossession letters from courts and standards everyday of the week! You work for all this money and own all these things but the bank have you in the papers on outstanding loan payments while the court have a warrant for you for unpaid child support?? Keep thinking you fooling the world while yet replacement steals away your prize.

8) anti progressive: this country is loaded with many of you, meet you working in a store and leave you still working in the same store with not even an inkling to get back to school and further yourself to be at least the store manager. Humans are naturally progressive beings, it's part of our inner desire to grow to the next level and learn new skills and traits. How you people get by being stagnant is beyond me but best believe that its unattractive and will push away anybody who even thinks of being with you. If you only think of the present and not the future then there's no future relationship for you as all you will be is a figment of the past.

9) incompatible traits: from the start this is how to separate yourself from someone. Many people fail to realize that compatibility is very important to the longevity of a relationship. This compatibility is what brings balance in the home and negated the previous 8 obstacles with ease. A good example, a man who is a workaholic can never be with a woman who's a socialite, there's no meeting ground between these two and then all of the other obstacles such as financial issues, aggression and vanity to name a few enter the home and ruin the bond that may have been established. No amount of good sex is worth this level of frustration, that's like using icy hot on a broken limb expecting it to heal without a cast.

10) uncleanness: if I have to go into detail about this you're already down the wrong road, turn around now!!

These are but ten of the basic things we do that chase away what could be a long lasting and fruitful relationship. Come on people do that soul searching and let's not blame love for our stupidity!

Thursday, May 29, 2014


It still amazes me the double standards we live by, the human flesh is truly fickle and unashamedly so at that. We always want it all but we're not willing to put in the work to have it all so we become a state of constant unfulfilled desire. I see you everyday and I gaze at your folly, you spend all your life tormenting those you consider lesser than you only to turn and complain that someone who has surpassed you now ridicules you leaving you bullied and tormented. When the tide turns on us very often we are feel wronged and aggrieved that someone could inflict pain on us but forget how much torment we have caused others.

Well here's a wake up call, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Its an old saying that many of you do not live by. You walk around like the world doesn't have consequences and that all that you do will come back to you ten fold. You don't like it, too bad, it gets worst as your deeds go along the shit meter. For every person you discriminate against for being different you will be discriminated against for even saying different. You make a habit of abusing people, prepare to be beaten raped and left for dead. Don't complain that the world is unfair, you're unfair, you're the oppressor and the slave driver! How is the world unfair?? I can never understand how you who judge on appearance gets mad when your appearance is seen as inadequate. You go into depression and claim to be underappreciated but who do you appreciate? Who have you told you love them? Who have you comforted and cared for? Who have you spoken even a nice word to? You can't fake compassion, its a powerful emotion that only genuine people possess so if you find yourself unable to be genuinely concerned about even your family, its not the world that's at fault its you who choose to be bitter.

I feel sorry for your kind, bitter, uncompassionate, devoid of love and care, unable to cherish even the basics of affection. When I see how easily deterred you are from your goals I laugh because you made it your business to make others miserable. Meanwhile those you oppress will go on to be happy, they will rise and become what you most dream to be and leave you in a latrine of sorrow so deep that you will have no choice but to sit in a corner and shed tears that all that you crave will be forever out of your reach all because you choose to temporarily torment those around you in the name of feeling good about your own insecurities. How sad!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

From the Heart

It ought not to amaze me that I'm attracted to you, you represent what I like in a woman, daring, courageous and bold. Unafraid to show your colours while maintaining a stature of simplicity. Daily as I learn about you I realize your dreams, your fears and even your smiles and tears. There's a quiet noise that you make that sends adrenaline through my bones, it shows in your smile and in your eyes, burning with fire and filling me with a renewed hope that out there has hope and light.

From your playful grace to your gentle touch, you have my eyes locked on your every movement as I struggle for words to even begin to identify how I feel. Deep inside you awakened an old and long thought dead desire, a desire to give, a desire to love, a desire to be unconditional, a craving to be protective and yes an urge to be supportive. I look at you and I see trust, a stability of mind that oozes your confidence unassumingly. I have hope for you, hope that things will be ideal as we progress in this friendship, hope that my eyes aren't deceiving me and you are true, hope that all that I see in you is more than a mirage in the desert.

It's been a while now since we met, I haven't shown you all of me but I might jus yet. So much I long to let loose and show you but I have to be sure that you're perfectly genuine and true and not another tormentor sent to abuse my good nature. What gets me though is the connection we have, so quickly we share stories about each other without hesitation and yet still we're worlds apart as distant life forms living on separate planets at different ends of the galaxy. Maybe you are who I'm searching for or maybe you're another illusion meant to show me I'm getting closer, either which way I'm glad we met and I hope it gets even better from here……………………………

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Truth About You

Sadly I'm here thinking of the selfishness of some people, it's sad that you would spend time considering someone only to be discarded and later picked up at their convenience. The saying goes that when you see someone suffering it's best to leave them let them suffer because you very often do not know what sins such people are paying for.

Day by day I'm seeing that this world is filled with miserable, tortured, unloved people who deserve every bit of misery that they exist in. Long ago, a priest dived into a cold river in Germany to save the life of a drowning boy, that boy was Adolf Hitler. This alone is the extent to which attempting to undo God instilled punishments cause. When I look at you I see that potential to do so much good but deep down I know that you will do so much evil because you refuse to accept that life isn't your playground and people aren't your toys. Had I treated you with half the convenience you treat me with you would claim I'm no different than the rest. You would be bitter and upset that another man used you for your body and not appreciate you for who you are. The truth is though you are your body and only that because honestly you have nothing else to offer. There's no growth with you, there's no hope for better simply because you always do worst. It's a shame that your a mother with such a bright child who most likely won't see her potential because your focus is being the mom with the best body. Well you can't say I didn't try with you, know that I will be keeping my distance as more and more of the cruel fetishes you enjoy are revealed. I get that it turns you on to be conquered and that someone as passive as me won't ever be your so called conqueror and that's exactly why I'm at peace while torment reigns in your being.

To know peace is to know God but to not know God and expect peace is insanity of the highest order. Don't think for a second I don't know you encourage men to forsake the fellowship, a devil's prize in disguise out to destroy souls subtly. Fortunately I see you for who you are, unkind, unholy, uncaring, unfortunate, uncouth, unbelievable, unreliable, unambitious, untrustworthy devil of a demon. Get thee from hence in front of me devil! I see your true colours even behind the waterfall of tears. Its sad that you would think people will stay around you and support you being so false. I took my time to see the whole of you so that you would have no claim whatsoever to be anything other than a high maintenance slut.

At the very least I can say you have proven my point that those with the longest tears are pseudo apologetic and deservedly imprisoned in their misery. How sad………………………

Sunday, May 18, 2014

How to be happy

It's a sad reality that nowadays people live in complete paranoia of inevitable infidelity. According to society every relationship will at some point in time have an outside party who you either accept or stay single and live in fear of. I do not subscribe to this theory so here are some tips to avoid this so called bound to horn syndrome:

1) be financially stable: It doesn't matter what they say, money is a part of today's stable home. Struggling with bills and even money to see a movie is a sure fire way to invite a cheater. Man or woman, people do not deal well with money problems so if you know you cannot manage that wallet stay single until you can.

2) compromise: I talk about this all the time, if you cannot meet someone halfway or find yourself always giving too much then that's called sacrifice. In the old days that feminists around the world dread so much men were always taught to ensure their women were well pleased and comfortable. In return women were taught by their mothers to always aim to please their men and make them comfortable, this balance was how many of the older generations stayed together longer. People who ask but never give are to be avoided at all costs!!! All they will do is drain you and leave you to die when they have taken all that they can get, with no remorse for you the idiot who didn't realize that those who don't invest in you are not to be close to you.

3) comprehension: I do not understand how people miss this but having been there myself I guess its easy to see. To know what you want you must understand yourself, whether you are an introvert or an abuser, understanding what makes you tick is crucial to knowing who you want in your life so in turn there will be clarity of personalities and not a clash of attitudes. Once you have understanding of you, next is to understand your significant other. We all have different traits and many quirks that make up who we are as an individual, understanding those differences is what builds unity and keeps relationships interesting. Its a known fact that every five years people change, what was fun now may not be later so always be willing to learn about your significant other.

4) communicate: there's just no easier way to be understood than to speak your mind. How hard is it to say that something bothers you or you have been offended by a remark or action or even just to say thank you? How hard is it that people do not do it?? Nowadays it's apparently a crime for a man to say that he has issues! He's seen as weak and lacking for having problems and speaking about then but this same society will turn and say men ought to speak up and not be so unemotional. The confusion is there because people do not speak up, too many people are afraid to say what's on their minds when this is in fact strength! True strength is not how well you hide your feelings, its how well you manage them. Speaking clearly on your position and stance is crucial to happiness, it removes doubt, fear and discomfort all in one. Want peace? Speak your mind and be clear about what you're saying and watch the weights lift off your chest.

5) understanding of self: sad to say many people do not know themselves at all. They live in a facade that they're a completely different person to what they actually portray. This pseudo life is how a lot of us are caught off guard because we fail to see that the world can see who we actually are and we're only fooling ourselves by pretending to be someone else. Learn yourself, learn your strengths and weaknesses, learn your traits and quirks and be honest about them all. Denial of who you are is what leads to your downfall because that information can easily be mastered by someone else who will use it to manipulate you leaving you in an illusionary bubble which then derails your personal lifestyle and leaves you complaining that the world is cruel and bitter. Wise up and realize that you are the master of you and only God is greater.

These aren't hard things to do just difficult to maintain because a lot of us choose to be bitter and unhappy for no reason. If you're one of those people stay far from me, I choose to be happy and wear a smile majority of the day.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Phase Two

Some days I sit and wonder at the cause of struggles and stress, the truth of the matter is that while struggles are caused by outside people at times, stress is always internal. I have yet to encounter any form of stress that wasn't created internally simply because stress is a reaction to the environment around me. Since this is the case it would only mean that after all the complaining and drama and counseling it still and always comes down to me.

The freedom of choice is what makes us responsible for ourselves to be honest. We decide the things that we do, the things we choose, the way we feel and especially the way we react to situations and others. After reevaluating the events of my life thus far I can only admit that 100% of all the drama I have been through is my fault. Even though there may have been an influence in my decisions they are still mine and that realization alone is enough to make me cry. Knowing that I have caused my own downfall and my own tribulations are facts I needed time to accept.

Its not easy to look in the mirror and see an enemy, its one thing to face threats out there but when the battle is within things change. You find your foundations ruined, your lifestyle changes and even your sight changes. It's unfair to yourself to not adapt though, failure to adapt results in extinction and in this world the extinct are nothing more than show pieces to conveniently gaze at so why put myself in such a position. Instead I've taken the good about me such as my smile, my generosity along with my subliminal charm, tactical foresight, etc and built on my weaknesses such as my need to exceed, arrogance of knowledge and my temper and molded them into a new and more powerful me. The results have been amazing, this new me is still a work in progress but a big upgrade from the older version. The really say youth is wasted on the young and lord knows my father made all the sense when he said that. For it isn't until we grow older do we truly value the actual preciousness of life itself such as love, loyalty, respect, honour, comradeship and trust. I know now that if these things aren't your priority you have a lot of maturing to do because these are the valuable that stand the test of time.

To me the key to it all is understanding, understanding of myself, those around me and where I stand with those around me and most importantly understanding of the God I serve. The peace I have inside is beyond measure about now, I see life from a whole new perspective with the full understanding that I am in full control of me and the decisions I make will ultimately determine who I am as a human being. The freedom of choice certainly is a blessing and a curse all at once.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Reality Check

The cruelty of humanity is not limited to class or race, rich or poor, old or young. It is all encompassing, wiping out species, habitats, even nations! As the days countdown closer to the end of things currently, I can't help but wonder at the signs that tell me the end is near. Its more than just the blood red moons or rise of false priests and leaders, its the behaviour of humans themselves that is most glaring. Men are lovers of themselves, even turning against women and children in the name of vice and vanity. Wars are now being fought in, out and around the home eroding the foundations of God fearing families with the promotion of promiscuity, infidelity, distrust, grudge, hatred and spite. These are the principles that we fight against and that doesn't even include greed, pride, vanity, idolatry, etc!

This isn't just about nation rising against nation, this is neighbours against neighbours, coworkers against coworkers, family against family! Its all about divide and conquer, a war strategy as old as time itself! Weakness is derived from confusion, chaos, mayhem and turbulence which distort the vision, emasculate the man and weaken to eventually destroy the foundations of morals, spiritual grounding, faith. Its become far too easy for us to worship self and not God, I even hear daily stories of people saying God is not with them?? Really?? God isn't with you?? Can't you see that you are the one who turned away your faith and handed it over to the devil who in turn gave u depression, stress, worries, fear, pride, insecurity and the list goes on! You traded your tiny bit of faith for all of those ailments? Well since you got so much for so little, tell me how's that working out?? How are your relationships with others? How well do you know yourself? How well do you get along with family? But we want peace right? We want peace peace without the king of peace? We want peace without the outpouring of love right? We want to begrudge all who hurt us but expect to be free of the prisons we built for ourselves right? Sure that makes all the sense in the world because the world is all you can see and seeing is believing so this is what you see and believe. Congratulations you have been easily deceived by the devil's greatest trick and believing that not only does he not exist but that all you have been warned about is fake and non existential! How sad for you!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Usurping Queen

When I met you there was nothing left, you were a bitter mess of broken dreams and dark secrets hidden from the world and shunned into silence. I took pity on you and slowly but surely nursed you back to health, I saw strength in you and helped you unleash and harness it so that you can stand as an equal and not be a trampled slave. I fought side by side with you as we overcame mountains and deep seas in record speed and with I measured success. How foolish was I as I only unleashed a beast that was supposed to be hidden.

Deceived by trickery, misled by your falling tears, I believed that you were much better than what you were getting. You were lost in the wilderness destined to be nothing more than a convenient selection for when the time is right. I turned you into a formidable force but you used that power to become a destructive megalomaniac. All that you touch cries and howls for pain, all life near you dies slowly and painfully with no hope of recovering. You're a murderer without compassion, without care, without substance and you never should have been let out of that cage. They really say when suffering occurs feel not for the victim for you do not know their identity. Now I see why he went through such lengths to degrade you for he saw the danger you posed. He saw the ruthless selfish detestably uncouth side of you that he has long feared. There's no contentment with you, no form of happiness because there's never enough, your appetite for destruction is insatiable and I in my foolish attempt at samaritan equity befriended you with the thoughts of your recovery from your past. Even now I see why you suffer the way you do, its u my conscience has warned about all this time. A wolf in sheep's clothing, a devil with a tiara and not a halo.

I only pray I am forgiven for my assistance in this mayhem. A man who I have never met will now have to forgive me of sins far greater than any in my life. After you there will be no more I swear, I won't support these atrocious acts of injustice in the name of foolish hope for inhumane humans.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


What is it about you that attracts my eyes? Show me the mystery you hide inside, let me see that deep energy that fights hard to break free from your mighty containment grip! The passion that lurks for a way out to pour onto me and wash me completely and purely. Every time I gaze into your deep dark eyes, all I see is purity dwelling inside, a soul so pure and happy, filled with limitless divinity rushing around awaiting an unbridled release! A release that makes rivers waterfalls and winds typhoons! A pure ecstasy that can't be pilled or bottled neither cut up or swallowed, but only unleashed til all is emptied and all that's left is the draining of sorrows and torment. I know that deep inside this well exists for I have seen it flowing in a violent circle, churning and twisting fighting to be free.

This is the secret of you that you hide from me, afraid that if I find it I will be the one who takes away the substance you treasure so much. I can't blame you but like the adventurers of times long ago, I fear no uncharted route with you, I know there are perils you have not yet revealed but my ship is sturdy and bears many trades unknown to your majestic royalty. Show me your secret treasure let me value it as well and I shall show you my secret treasure that only you have the key to see. Sweetly tickled am I at getting close to your deep desires, gently caressing the pores of your juicy fruit that call out to me with a guiding volume. I am lured into the depths of your being immersed deeply into the path to your secret collection.

Closer I come but faster you run in vain trying to escape my discovery of your golden paradise, sweetly embraced in your destiny forever engulfed in the river passion that is your secret desire.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

First Cut

There are times I sit and wonder what life would be like had I chosen you and not her. Would I have learned any more or any less than I do at this stage? How much more would you have given me than her? What kind of man would I have been walking that road with you? It was a horrible decision to walkaway from you the way I did, I took advantage of your fragile state and became the very thing you feared the most.

I sometimes see you in public and watch how you avoid my line of sight in vain, I wonder what would you say having to see the broken mess I became. I remember your last words to me "she will be the reason you walkaway" and how true have those words been. When I think of all that I have endured I always remember it's because of the wrong I did to you, never getting the chance to say I'm sorry or even to show you how right you were. I guess the best thing I did was leave you, time has certainly been kinder to you than me. I still watch your progress and see your success, makes me smile to see that your potential is being unleashed and shining brightly for all the world to see. I know someday we gonna cross paths again, I only hope and pray that on that day I'm man enough to face you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Generation tracks

This topic of parenting is becoming an issue, not too long ago I made some statements as per the video about the child being hit with a belt with a webcam.recording. Lemme be absolutely clear about this, to those of you who claim the child is being abused and traumatized be aware that it is this same lack of discipline in school that was the catalyst for the utter disregard for authority that persists in the education system today.

When consequences are removed i.e the rod, and the child is spoilt then the chaos to follow is what you the society complain about daily! Homicides, rapes, assault and robberies and even buggery are all degenerated forms of basic indiscipline. How does it happen? Like this; when children are aware that their actions have no consequence they will push the envelope as far as they can, consequences are borders designed to teach them that it is not safe for borders to be crossed. So let's say a child steals $2 from your wallet, then you decide untalk to the child, the child will realize that nothing more than words came of the act so they will repeat it and this time it may be $100. Of course there's also the idea of what the money will end up doing but later on for that. So now the $100 goes missing and you still have a one on one with the child and maybe do something mild like put the child in a corner to sit for the day, then what, you think that will now deter the child from stealing?? No it encourages the child to steal because nothing has happened you have not taken any form of corrective action. Now onto what the money may end up doing, a child with unearned anything is a hazard to the world, because they will place no value on these things and whether it be toys, money or your car keys expect that it will be treated with disdain because they did not earn it. That freedom pushes the child even further and that is when the real escalation occurs. Adolescents are addicted to sensations, the feelings and emotions are powerful and overwhelm them so they cannot comprehend the chaos they are heading into all because you the parent have not set any parameters via the lack of escalated discipline. Congratulations you have successfully given rise to the next generation of gangs and gang leaders as well as a new wave of crime instituted by unpunished immature radicals with the misguided invincibility of Superman!!

After all that was said some people will still talk about the child being traumatized. OK let's talk about trauma, indiscipline in children warps the mind and creates a peter pan illusion that the world is an open playground that has no rules but their own based on selfish and often misguided ideals that they define order and structure. This order and structure they anticipate as a reality is a mixture of multiple cross messages from different mediums and media and ultimately creates the chaos we see them displaying today. Do not be confused, open communication with children is important but unless there is an ultimate discipline to establish borders and boundaries all you are doing is fostering a new and even more dangerous age of mayhem, arrogance, ignorance and ultimate doom.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Is it you or the world?

Do good every time and good will follow, these are words that every church and motivating speech are filled with. Designed to activate a mental adrenaline rush that the more good we do the more we will receive. So how is it there are more than one billion people suffering from constant torment both physical and mental? What are these billion people doing wrong that these world livers and well wishers are doing right? Here's some reality:

1. Not all that glitters is gold: simply put do not be deceived by what your eyes see. The ancient art of misdirection perfected by Harry Houdini and passed on to generations after exist and flourish outside of the halls of magic. Many people who live in illusions of grandeur and pictures of positive living are steeped in torment and are prisoners of their own illusions. Most are not even close to being better than you but fight hard to fake being successful and at peace to project a false sense of achievement and contentment. When the lights come off and the stage comes down long tears of torment and suffering are shed behind closed doors where you won't see. Think of the person u always see in nice cars and fancy clothes but only shows up to a party in them, when you're not looking those people are struggling to find gas money for that nice car and have to constantly reimagine ideas to scavenge new clothing.

2. Dishonest fortune: the old people say never let yuh eye reach in d neighbour yard! This is so true because you do not know what someone else endured to acquire the mass material gains they have. Very many people do not know about hard work so instead they steal, plunder and terrorize others foe their treasures in hopes of mirroring the wealth they dream to own. Dirty money is a common factor of modern day life and those who are slaved to it sacrifice their bodies, their dignity, their honour and their legacy in the name of appearing to be well put together. Remember drug lords and assassins live in 10 bedroom prisons with bullet proof incarcerations known as luxury security in order to possess a fraction of peace that you enjoy lazily.

3. Know your limits: too often we are our own destroyers, charity and love for humanity is only as good as you're able to afford. How is it you want to earn $5000/month pay a rent of $2500/month and still lend a friend $10000?? Its impossible to stretch your hands that far and this is one of the key downfalls for "good people." There is no gain or additional karma to be gained by handing over yourself to debt and strife for the sake of others. Of course when you do these things and make yourself utterly useless people will leave you because you have rendered yourself worthless and a liability to the same people who are struggling with you!! Just the same way it is not right for you to associate with those less profitable than yourself so too shall you be seen as unprofitable when you spend all your life unable to provide for yourself. In law enforcement we have a saying " self preservation first" you cannot protect others if you cannot protect yourself and this is a fact. So who are you to try and save all of your friends but end up leaving yourself a dead corpse at the bottom of a ravine wandering the earth with vengeance on your mind for those who "abandoned you?"

4. Have balance: in anything that you do balance is key, from the types of associations to keep to the commitment levels issued to factors of your life, moderation is key. While its OK to socialize ever so often excess socialization is a drain on multiple factors of your life including home, work, revenue and productivity of self. Excess work reduces your ability to function around the world, all you will know and speak is work so what you basically become is an echo box for your employer!!

5. Understand self: I cannot express how important mastering your own being is to survival. Always be aware that just as you can spot flaws and loopholes in the personality of someone else so too can your weaknesses and strengths be seen. If however you cannot see the steel beam in yuh eye then you are forever doomed to being slaved to the whims and fancies of others who will now control you. When you are controlled you then call these people manipulators and deceivers but it is you who have left yourself unguarded by lacking the understanding of your experiences to see the limitations of your strengths and the depths of your weaknesses. That equates to being a sheep in the open savannah wondering why lions and cheetahs are hunting you. Yes the savannah plains have plenty of grass for you to grow big and strong but you have no armour and all that grass makes you full of meat, ideal for lions and cheetahs and dingos and leopards and vultures! How is it the world is being unfair to you who have exposed yourself??

The problem begins and ends with you, if you have no control over you then you cannot solve the problem.

Better than that people

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


There are times I still think about you. Days go by when I wonder what life would be like had we walked a different road, had I not been so hasty, had you not gone with that friend, had I not gone with your friend. I wish at times we could have sorted things out like adults and not be at war with each other. It's such a shame we couldn't see past each other's flaws and helped build each other to become better people, maybe all now we would have been living our dreams and not nightmares. I see you on the move looking stressed and dejected, the world certainly has taken its toll on your youth making you seem older than you really are or is it that I haven't grown up like you have and still linger behind in maturity, or is it that now I see your true colours. Is it that I see the deceit and torment you are enduring because of his torturous ways? Is it that now you see the monster you created and the evil you willingly unleashed that has you bearing the world of guilt that has you trapped in a fast aging life of grief? Either which way I see the truth, I see the struggle to get free of hell, I see the need to dodge falling brimstone, I see the desire to escape the fire!

If I were you I would look stressed too, I would feel the weight of a solar system crushing my shoulders, I would feel the stress of an army hunting me like a dog. But no I don't feel this way and this is why you can't look at me, when you see me you see joy, you see strength, you dirty my name because you can't are your way even with him. How sad that after all the effort to discredit me I'm still going even further than you could have imagined! You tried your best to set me back but all you did was put me on a slingshot to freedom, freedom from your prison, freedom from your suffering, freedom from your eternal misery and disgust. So even though we could have been good, as of now I'm even better!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Jack the Whipper

So long we have been told slavery is abolished, apartheid terminated, segregation extinct and fossilized. There's nothing further from the truth though, daily the demands of the working world have been increasing with even routine office jobs now being made to work excess hours with heavier commitments and threats of termination if such demands are not agreed to, it reminds me of Jack the Whipper in the story of Roots where he ordered a slave to confess his new name as Toby and forsake his given name of Kunta Kente.

In these modern times where everything seems so equal and balanced, there are glass ceilings we have been hitting via the subliminal insertion of societal segregation disguised as class definition. In the old days of apartheid, it was illegal for blacks and whites to use the same bathroom or ride on the same end of the bus, well after the great Madiba (Nelson Mandela for those of you not up to speed on history), you now have certain positions and tools being made unavailable to people of a particular skin type or gender. Don't believe me, consider this, Oprah Winfrey has been a longtime household name for her acclaimed and legendary television series. She has performed many great feats of charity and has been a longtime member of the Fortune 500 club. You would think with all of that backing her when she launched her own cable network she would receive the same backing and endorsement she has given to so many in her days belonging to a network. Well surprise surprise the only people who really supported her were the Discovery Channel and Tyler Perry. With Sean Combs later joining in its amazing how many people do not actually want Oprah to succeed. She herself has been publicly critical of the support not given to her even by the very businesses she once rubbed elbows with when they were using her name to get their products into our homes. Back track a decade to the then upstart UPN who didn't even  own a proper television series but somehow got multiple endorsements from around the world and we begin to see where the new borders of inequity exist.

Classification of people based on their perceived financial capabilities is the most degrading form of societal separation ever. It has gotten so bad it even trickles down into children as daily more and more cases of peer abuse due to some children being better off than others. Exactly how is this different fro. The days of blacks riding in the back of the bus?? The rise of technology has given us a very public and graphic look at the effects of such disparity. It has gotten worst to now that wealth is being attained by a wider variety of people, now you have higher and lower classesof wealth, with only the selected higher class being afforded mass support for their continued success whilst the rest continue to slave at the plantation of Jack the Whipper trying their best to buy back their forty acres and own a plantation.

Better than that society

Friday, January 3, 2014

Return of the Word

It's been a while since I've been here, the advent of new technology though allows for plenty. As I'm on the topic of plenty, I very often wonder what the world would be like without it.

Today's world is literally revolves around anything that consumes some sort of electricity. Whether it be cell phones, tablets, appliances, cars, whatever have you it most likely demands some form of electricity. With such demands for a limited supply of power one has to wonder what would really happen should the world shut down one day.what would happen if we were forced to communicate with each other via face to face conversations for extended hours of the day. Think you can do it? Do you really think you can unplug for even a day? OK consider this, in 1993 to operate a desktop computer required specialized training from a certified tech master with at least advanced hardware and software knowledge especially of the DOS operating software or Linux for you longtime nerds. These days even macbook first timers can just walk in a store purchase one and use it immediately with barely a crash course from the neighbour. These conveniences have made the world so small that going from the Caribbean to Australia is but a click of a screen. Imagine unplugging yourself from the ability to instant message or even use basic text messaging, then add no more social media, email, or mobile phone calls. Believe it or not such times existed, I remember less than ten years ago touch screen cell phones were the wave of some far away universe in science fiction imagination.

The downside of such convenience though is that it leads us to dangerous temptations. The human penchant to push the limits of life has seen a remarkable increase of the levels of abuse attained within such a short space of time. In less than a decade of development mankind has become much more promiscuous  with a sharp rise in infidelity on the part of both genders. Men and women can now easily discard of evidence of indiscretions with the touch of a button. Children now teach their parents how to operate devices intended for adults and then turn and abuse the use of these devices ending up many times on the wrong side of the law.

The new saying is that smarter devices make dumber people and it is very true. We rely more on the device and less on our abilities makimg the devices a measure of our intellect and accuracy instead of the other way around. Consequently this limits the abilities of the average human returning us essentially to neanderthalesque days where man was incapable of not much more than reproduction and even then we are surpassed and measured by machines. Check yourself who really is master and operator.........................