Sunday, April 20, 2014

Is it you or the world?

Do good every time and good will follow, these are words that every church and motivating speech are filled with. Designed to activate a mental adrenaline rush that the more good we do the more we will receive. So how is it there are more than one billion people suffering from constant torment both physical and mental? What are these billion people doing wrong that these world livers and well wishers are doing right? Here's some reality:

1. Not all that glitters is gold: simply put do not be deceived by what your eyes see. The ancient art of misdirection perfected by Harry Houdini and passed on to generations after exist and flourish outside of the halls of magic. Many people who live in illusions of grandeur and pictures of positive living are steeped in torment and are prisoners of their own illusions. Most are not even close to being better than you but fight hard to fake being successful and at peace to project a false sense of achievement and contentment. When the lights come off and the stage comes down long tears of torment and suffering are shed behind closed doors where you won't see. Think of the person u always see in nice cars and fancy clothes but only shows up to a party in them, when you're not looking those people are struggling to find gas money for that nice car and have to constantly reimagine ideas to scavenge new clothing.

2. Dishonest fortune: the old people say never let yuh eye reach in d neighbour yard! This is so true because you do not know what someone else endured to acquire the mass material gains they have. Very many people do not know about hard work so instead they steal, plunder and terrorize others foe their treasures in hopes of mirroring the wealth they dream to own. Dirty money is a common factor of modern day life and those who are slaved to it sacrifice their bodies, their dignity, their honour and their legacy in the name of appearing to be well put together. Remember drug lords and assassins live in 10 bedroom prisons with bullet proof incarcerations known as luxury security in order to possess a fraction of peace that you enjoy lazily.

3. Know your limits: too often we are our own destroyers, charity and love for humanity is only as good as you're able to afford. How is it you want to earn $5000/month pay a rent of $2500/month and still lend a friend $10000?? Its impossible to stretch your hands that far and this is one of the key downfalls for "good people." There is no gain or additional karma to be gained by handing over yourself to debt and strife for the sake of others. Of course when you do these things and make yourself utterly useless people will leave you because you have rendered yourself worthless and a liability to the same people who are struggling with you!! Just the same way it is not right for you to associate with those less profitable than yourself so too shall you be seen as unprofitable when you spend all your life unable to provide for yourself. In law enforcement we have a saying " self preservation first" you cannot protect others if you cannot protect yourself and this is a fact. So who are you to try and save all of your friends but end up leaving yourself a dead corpse at the bottom of a ravine wandering the earth with vengeance on your mind for those who "abandoned you?"

4. Have balance: in anything that you do balance is key, from the types of associations to keep to the commitment levels issued to factors of your life, moderation is key. While its OK to socialize ever so often excess socialization is a drain on multiple factors of your life including home, work, revenue and productivity of self. Excess work reduces your ability to function around the world, all you will know and speak is work so what you basically become is an echo box for your employer!!

5. Understand self: I cannot express how important mastering your own being is to survival. Always be aware that just as you can spot flaws and loopholes in the personality of someone else so too can your weaknesses and strengths be seen. If however you cannot see the steel beam in yuh eye then you are forever doomed to being slaved to the whims and fancies of others who will now control you. When you are controlled you then call these people manipulators and deceivers but it is you who have left yourself unguarded by lacking the understanding of your experiences to see the limitations of your strengths and the depths of your weaknesses. That equates to being a sheep in the open savannah wondering why lions and cheetahs are hunting you. Yes the savannah plains have plenty of grass for you to grow big and strong but you have no armour and all that grass makes you full of meat, ideal for lions and cheetahs and dingos and leopards and vultures! How is it the world is being unfair to you who have exposed yourself??

The problem begins and ends with you, if you have no control over you then you cannot solve the problem.

Better than that people

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