Friday, June 27, 2014

Swords of Revealing Light

Revelations are those which most of us don't understand until it's too late. For me I see them as answers awaiting arrival at the right time and for the right reasons from almighty God Jehovah! In all my days nothing has been truer as time and time again he has shown why his ways are higher than my ways. He has revealed the truths about situations I've been in, people I've kept around me and the lifestyle I was living. Most importantly he has shown me truths about myself, the life I'm supposed to live and the ideals I ought to put forward as my image.

Too often I become entangled in the images I see and not the image I ought to show. In this world of excess and overindulgence, it's far too easy for the mind to be tempted and the heart to be grieved. This is a world of plentiful and even though suffering exists everywhere it's actually restrained to a select few. As a man living amongst this planet of apes, I have been tempted to become an ape, behave like an ape, suffer like an ape but yet still look like a man. If you're not following think of how humanly apes look yet still we know them as beasts and not human beings and now you begin to see the derelict of confusion that is the modern world. My strength is in my god given ability to blend without succumbing, I can be in the world without being of the world. Easily I adapt and see the strengths and weaknesses of human overindulgence, the struggles of poor planning and the destruction that is caused by pride and arrogance. Sadly though adaptation removes me from the mirror I ought to be looking at regularly to ensure I develop and reinforce my own weaknesses and build my strengths. I recently glanced in that mirror and realized despite how far I have come I have much further to go. My pride is the fuel of my overconfidence which blinds me from avoiding the trip holes I'm prone to falling into. Tunnel vision is a dangerous trait of mine and I'm yet to get out of this habit even though the consequences have time and time again proven detrimental to me. I realized it in one of those crude management training sessions my boss puts me through, I'm unable to look closer into the big picture and miss many details. I'm actually not sure how to deal with this as it plays into another blind spot of mine which is complacency. I'm the last to admit how very complacent and procrastinating I actually am and I think it's time I come to terms with these facts. Details do matter and without them I'm surely doomed and would fail to command the respect that I currently enjoy.

I do believe if more people spent time working on themselves and not make mischief in the world we might be living in a better life. After work and sleep I'm constantly preoccupied with analyzing myself for flaws in my system and I have found many. I'm yet to realize where this lack of motivation to exercise comes from, whether it's a natural dislike for exercise or if I'm just that lazy or something traumatic that maybe on the top of my mind. It always amazes me that I can easily identify flaws and solutions to those flaws but can't formulate even a hypothesis to my own shortcomings. It's more or less the saying of seeing a splinter of the eyes of another via the the big piece of wood in my own eyes. Never thought I would own up to being like those I so criticized of such traits, the reality I'd though that it's far easier to study and identify a subject rather than be the subject for the simple reason that it takes much longer to see past your blind spot. Much like driving a car, there are certain points on the vehicle that the driver simply cannot see past unless they're the passenger. Even as the passenger though its still your vehicle so only someone on the outside can see what's really going on with your driving but that outside person can only guesstimate any issues or problems with your vehicle by listening for familiar noises or signs but only you can really check your car to see what the source of the issue is.

Clarity is a strange thing, as I write this I realize even for myself that I was right to start being more open with others. That openness can save my life from a perilous wreck if I'm not grown enough to realize that an experienced mechanic is needed on my side to survive this road to life. Yes its true that some people seem like experts when in truth and fact they're only there to derail your efforts by misleading you about what the issue with your life car really is. At the end of the day only you can really check and find the source of any malfunctions in your life car.

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