Sunday, December 21, 2014

In me

Those little things are what make me really happy, simple considerations, thoughtful gestures and surprises. I never really pondered why I like them so much until today and while I'm here sick in bed I can't help but smile at how easy I am to please.

I'm not one to run thirsty behind sex, it never was my main motivation because to me the sex is just another bonding part of a relationship but not even close to the core. Sure you can get your body naked but what about your soul? I absolutely love being able to connect at the soul, it's the strongest and most satisfying bond ever because it reveals so much about myself and the lady I'm with and us as a team. That intimacy where I'm unafraid to be me, my soft side that loves to cuddle, that sweetness of being kissed slowly and warmly, the security of a hug so tight that all I want to do is bury myself in you. I don't want to be at a distance from such heaven, I won't hide from so much love, there's so much I want u to know about me, more than my fears and my cares, I want u to know how silly I behave when u tickle me, I want u to see the glow in my eyes when you wrap me in your arms, I want u to see my desires when you turn me on and I crave you and only you. It won't happen in one night but bit by bit the magic is revealed, I'm not as complicated as people say nor am I anywhere near as vile and cruel as the world believes. Those are fronts to keep the unwanted out and allow only you in. Only you will know I love to be massaged on my ankles, only you will know if you rest your feet on me I'll rub them til you fall asleep, only you will know if you caress my curly hair I giggle like a school girl and blush the same way. Being in your presence is more than enough to make me smile, you alone will know that deep in my mind I work hard on being a better man so you will be proud of me. These are jus the basic things of my being and all I want is for you to love me just the way I love you.

My love is simple, it's filled with care, it's a joyous celebration of everything we share, my love is deep and filled with passion, when you bleed I bleed and when you succeed I succeed. My love is an overflow of compassion and kindness, an undying yield to serve you my sweet princess, never will I be able to resist your touch for as long as I love you my entire being will be at your disposal. My love is never shared for many cannot reap the same total, only you are my queen and only you are the source of my fire. I do hope this love you can understand for it's feelings and commitment and passion and a burning inferno of desire.…………………………………………

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