Thursday, May 29, 2014


It still amazes me the double standards we live by, the human flesh is truly fickle and unashamedly so at that. We always want it all but we're not willing to put in the work to have it all so we become a state of constant unfulfilled desire. I see you everyday and I gaze at your folly, you spend all your life tormenting those you consider lesser than you only to turn and complain that someone who has surpassed you now ridicules you leaving you bullied and tormented. When the tide turns on us very often we are feel wronged and aggrieved that someone could inflict pain on us but forget how much torment we have caused others.

Well here's a wake up call, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Its an old saying that many of you do not live by. You walk around like the world doesn't have consequences and that all that you do will come back to you ten fold. You don't like it, too bad, it gets worst as your deeds go along the shit meter. For every person you discriminate against for being different you will be discriminated against for even saying different. You make a habit of abusing people, prepare to be beaten raped and left for dead. Don't complain that the world is unfair, you're unfair, you're the oppressor and the slave driver! How is the world unfair?? I can never understand how you who judge on appearance gets mad when your appearance is seen as inadequate. You go into depression and claim to be underappreciated but who do you appreciate? Who have you told you love them? Who have you comforted and cared for? Who have you spoken even a nice word to? You can't fake compassion, its a powerful emotion that only genuine people possess so if you find yourself unable to be genuinely concerned about even your family, its not the world that's at fault its you who choose to be bitter.

I feel sorry for your kind, bitter, uncompassionate, devoid of love and care, unable to cherish even the basics of affection. When I see how easily deterred you are from your goals I laugh because you made it your business to make others miserable. Meanwhile those you oppress will go on to be happy, they will rise and become what you most dream to be and leave you in a latrine of sorrow so deep that you will have no choice but to sit in a corner and shed tears that all that you crave will be forever out of your reach all because you choose to temporarily torment those around you in the name of feeling good about your own insecurities. How sad!!

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