Tuesday, April 15, 2014


There are times I still think about you. Days go by when I wonder what life would be like had we walked a different road, had I not been so hasty, had you not gone with that friend, had I not gone with your friend. I wish at times we could have sorted things out like adults and not be at war with each other. It's such a shame we couldn't see past each other's flaws and helped build each other to become better people, maybe all now we would have been living our dreams and not nightmares. I see you on the move looking stressed and dejected, the world certainly has taken its toll on your youth making you seem older than you really are or is it that I haven't grown up like you have and still linger behind in maturity, or is it that now I see your true colours. Is it that I see the deceit and torment you are enduring because of his torturous ways? Is it that now you see the monster you created and the evil you willingly unleashed that has you bearing the world of guilt that has you trapped in a fast aging life of grief? Either which way I see the truth, I see the struggle to get free of hell, I see the need to dodge falling brimstone, I see the desire to escape the fire!

If I were you I would look stressed too, I would feel the weight of a solar system crushing my shoulders, I would feel the stress of an army hunting me like a dog. But no I don't feel this way and this is why you can't look at me, when you see me you see joy, you see strength, you dirty my name because you can't are your way even with him. How sad that after all the effort to discredit me I'm still going even further than you could have imagined! You tried your best to set me back but all you did was put me on a slingshot to freedom, freedom from your prison, freedom from your suffering, freedom from your eternal misery and disgust. So even though we could have been good, as of now I'm even better!!

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