Monday, August 4, 2014

Kiss and Tell

The old foundations of romance and intimacy are fast eroding to a new and destructive concept of boastful sex. These days it seems so much easier to speak loudly and proudly of how many women or men someone has been with rather than focus that time and energy towards building a healthy and stable home.

This new age thinking is derived mainly from the rebellion ages of the 70s and 80s where freedom of sexuality was incorrectly perceived as the freedom of promiscuity. The old borders of tact and control gave way to a new and bold open expression that set the stage for the demise of society. No one was ready for these newfound freedoms and psychologically it let loose an epidemic of inhibitions that led to insane social taboos each year outdoing the last for innovation, recklessness, obscenity and turbulence. Daredevils they became upping the ante every chance they got, from multiple partners to multiple partners in bed all at the same time. Homes were invaded by a generation free to experiment with their bodies unchecked and so they did it all, from drugs to multiple orgies to bdsm and the list goes on. The human body began to be pushed to new extremes with new devices and fetishes being revealed and made public. These revelations have led to indiscriminately unleashed lust and an abuse of new found knowledge and daring that have beyond noticeably shaken the once formal public facet. Interestingly enough all of these seemingly new detached sexual escapades have been secretly running underground for years, from J Edgar Hoover's secret  boyfriend to discreet infidelity acts once shunned by the elders publicly but murmured around in circles of the in the know.

The question begs, was it only a matter of time before the pressures of secrecy caused a massive cave in and give rise to the rebels? Well bear in mind these same rebels tore down the Berlin wall, ended the cold war, gave rise to retail riches, reinvented the art of music repeatedly and single handedly revolutionized the ideas of Hollywood and the now mighty Bollywood and nollywood. Personally having examined this aspect of it, I do not believe humanity still understands the destructive power of desire. For years we have gotten it wrong and in many mythologies it has been the downfall of many empires, from the storied city of Troy to the hallowed halls of the palace of king Solomon the wise.

To me desire is just a temporary burst of passion that ought not to be a decision making factor. I do not believe in one night sexcapades nor do I believe in allowing lust to overwhelm my decision making process. These bursts of emotions are blinding and lead to many a ruined home and failed expectation and sadly many a broken heart. Learn the difference people, desire and lust do not equate love. Never have and never will, Delilah killed Sampson with desire, Troy fell because of lust and many a great man has been ruined because of unbridled hormones. Learn those lessons!!

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