Friday, January 3, 2014

Return of the Word

It's been a while since I've been here, the advent of new technology though allows for plenty. As I'm on the topic of plenty, I very often wonder what the world would be like without it.

Today's world is literally revolves around anything that consumes some sort of electricity. Whether it be cell phones, tablets, appliances, cars, whatever have you it most likely demands some form of electricity. With such demands for a limited supply of power one has to wonder what would really happen should the world shut down one day.what would happen if we were forced to communicate with each other via face to face conversations for extended hours of the day. Think you can do it? Do you really think you can unplug for even a day? OK consider this, in 1993 to operate a desktop computer required specialized training from a certified tech master with at least advanced hardware and software knowledge especially of the DOS operating software or Linux for you longtime nerds. These days even macbook first timers can just walk in a store purchase one and use it immediately with barely a crash course from the neighbour. These conveniences have made the world so small that going from the Caribbean to Australia is but a click of a screen. Imagine unplugging yourself from the ability to instant message or even use basic text messaging, then add no more social media, email, or mobile phone calls. Believe it or not such times existed, I remember less than ten years ago touch screen cell phones were the wave of some far away universe in science fiction imagination.

The downside of such convenience though is that it leads us to dangerous temptations. The human penchant to push the limits of life has seen a remarkable increase of the levels of abuse attained within such a short space of time. In less than a decade of development mankind has become much more promiscuous  with a sharp rise in infidelity on the part of both genders. Men and women can now easily discard of evidence of indiscretions with the touch of a button. Children now teach their parents how to operate devices intended for adults and then turn and abuse the use of these devices ending up many times on the wrong side of the law.

The new saying is that smarter devices make dumber people and it is very true. We rely more on the device and less on our abilities makimg the devices a measure of our intellect and accuracy instead of the other way around. Consequently this limits the abilities of the average human returning us essentially to neanderthalesque days where man was incapable of not much more than reproduction and even then we are surpassed and measured by machines. Check yourself who really is master and operator.........................

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