Monday, May 5, 2014

Reality Check

The cruelty of humanity is not limited to class or race, rich or poor, old or young. It is all encompassing, wiping out species, habitats, even nations! As the days countdown closer to the end of things currently, I can't help but wonder at the signs that tell me the end is near. Its more than just the blood red moons or rise of false priests and leaders, its the behaviour of humans themselves that is most glaring. Men are lovers of themselves, even turning against women and children in the name of vice and vanity. Wars are now being fought in, out and around the home eroding the foundations of God fearing families with the promotion of promiscuity, infidelity, distrust, grudge, hatred and spite. These are the principles that we fight against and that doesn't even include greed, pride, vanity, idolatry, etc!

This isn't just about nation rising against nation, this is neighbours against neighbours, coworkers against coworkers, family against family! Its all about divide and conquer, a war strategy as old as time itself! Weakness is derived from confusion, chaos, mayhem and turbulence which distort the vision, emasculate the man and weaken to eventually destroy the foundations of morals, spiritual grounding, faith. Its become far too easy for us to worship self and not God, I even hear daily stories of people saying God is not with them?? Really?? God isn't with you?? Can't you see that you are the one who turned away your faith and handed it over to the devil who in turn gave u depression, stress, worries, fear, pride, insecurity and the list goes on! You traded your tiny bit of faith for all of those ailments? Well since you got so much for so little, tell me how's that working out?? How are your relationships with others? How well do you know yourself? How well do you get along with family? But we want peace right? We want peace peace without the king of peace? We want peace without the outpouring of love right? We want to begrudge all who hurt us but expect to be free of the prisons we built for ourselves right? Sure that makes all the sense in the world because the world is all you can see and seeing is believing so this is what you see and believe. Congratulations you have been easily deceived by the devil's greatest trick and believing that not only does he not exist but that all you have been warned about is fake and non existential! How sad for you!!

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