Wednesday, April 30, 2014


What is it about you that attracts my eyes? Show me the mystery you hide inside, let me see that deep energy that fights hard to break free from your mighty containment grip! The passion that lurks for a way out to pour onto me and wash me completely and purely. Every time I gaze into your deep dark eyes, all I see is purity dwelling inside, a soul so pure and happy, filled with limitless divinity rushing around awaiting an unbridled release! A release that makes rivers waterfalls and winds typhoons! A pure ecstasy that can't be pilled or bottled neither cut up or swallowed, but only unleashed til all is emptied and all that's left is the draining of sorrows and torment. I know that deep inside this well exists for I have seen it flowing in a violent circle, churning and twisting fighting to be free.

This is the secret of you that you hide from me, afraid that if I find it I will be the one who takes away the substance you treasure so much. I can't blame you but like the adventurers of times long ago, I fear no uncharted route with you, I know there are perils you have not yet revealed but my ship is sturdy and bears many trades unknown to your majestic royalty. Show me your secret treasure let me value it as well and I shall show you my secret treasure that only you have the key to see. Sweetly tickled am I at getting close to your deep desires, gently caressing the pores of your juicy fruit that call out to me with a guiding volume. I am lured into the depths of your being immersed deeply into the path to your secret collection.

Closer I come but faster you run in vain trying to escape my discovery of your golden paradise, sweetly embraced in your destiny forever engulfed in the river passion that is your secret desire.

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