Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Snakes and Rocks

Back when the great Steve Irwin was alive and dominating my TV interests, I recall an episode where he was snake hunting in forests, deserts, rivers and even seas. One thing o always noticed is that he would forever find snakes hiding under rocks, not so much branches and leaves but almost always rocks! I didn't think much of it until today actually, snakes hide in rocks because they're safe, solid, cooling and provide a dark enough place for said snake to strike at unsuspecting prey.

Snakes do come in many forms but the most dangerous ones are found globally on almost every land mass and they have two legs. The work environment is where you find the majority of them and to be honest they pack more poison than an army of cobras on a bad day. They spend every living moment sneaking around searching for ways to undermine and destroy you, they're relentless in their pursuit of your demise and unfortunately most are armed with a level of power or slave whip as I fondly call it. They bear smiles made of either cheap or very expensive plastic and use these smiles to lure you into a false sense of security. It's really an old predator trick still used by the likes of the american snapper turtle, lion fish and Venus fly trap to name a few, the idea is to get close enough to you for a fatal strike which will render you vulnerable and exposed.

You're not expected to live in a prison of distrust but much like walking on an industrial compound exercising safety first is key with such people. Much like walking in a new forest trail, respect the environment and do your research because ignorance is not bliss nor is it paradise. What you don't know will kill you!!

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