Sunday, May 18, 2014

How to be happy

It's a sad reality that nowadays people live in complete paranoia of inevitable infidelity. According to society every relationship will at some point in time have an outside party who you either accept or stay single and live in fear of. I do not subscribe to this theory so here are some tips to avoid this so called bound to horn syndrome:

1) be financially stable: It doesn't matter what they say, money is a part of today's stable home. Struggling with bills and even money to see a movie is a sure fire way to invite a cheater. Man or woman, people do not deal well with money problems so if you know you cannot manage that wallet stay single until you can.

2) compromise: I talk about this all the time, if you cannot meet someone halfway or find yourself always giving too much then that's called sacrifice. In the old days that feminists around the world dread so much men were always taught to ensure their women were well pleased and comfortable. In return women were taught by their mothers to always aim to please their men and make them comfortable, this balance was how many of the older generations stayed together longer. People who ask but never give are to be avoided at all costs!!! All they will do is drain you and leave you to die when they have taken all that they can get, with no remorse for you the idiot who didn't realize that those who don't invest in you are not to be close to you.

3) comprehension: I do not understand how people miss this but having been there myself I guess its easy to see. To know what you want you must understand yourself, whether you are an introvert or an abuser, understanding what makes you tick is crucial to knowing who you want in your life so in turn there will be clarity of personalities and not a clash of attitudes. Once you have understanding of you, next is to understand your significant other. We all have different traits and many quirks that make up who we are as an individual, understanding those differences is what builds unity and keeps relationships interesting. Its a known fact that every five years people change, what was fun now may not be later so always be willing to learn about your significant other.

4) communicate: there's just no easier way to be understood than to speak your mind. How hard is it to say that something bothers you or you have been offended by a remark or action or even just to say thank you? How hard is it that people do not do it?? Nowadays it's apparently a crime for a man to say that he has issues! He's seen as weak and lacking for having problems and speaking about then but this same society will turn and say men ought to speak up and not be so unemotional. The confusion is there because people do not speak up, too many people are afraid to say what's on their minds when this is in fact strength! True strength is not how well you hide your feelings, its how well you manage them. Speaking clearly on your position and stance is crucial to happiness, it removes doubt, fear and discomfort all in one. Want peace? Speak your mind and be clear about what you're saying and watch the weights lift off your chest.

5) understanding of self: sad to say many people do not know themselves at all. They live in a facade that they're a completely different person to what they actually portray. This pseudo life is how a lot of us are caught off guard because we fail to see that the world can see who we actually are and we're only fooling ourselves by pretending to be someone else. Learn yourself, learn your strengths and weaknesses, learn your traits and quirks and be honest about them all. Denial of who you are is what leads to your downfall because that information can easily be mastered by someone else who will use it to manipulate you leaving you in an illusionary bubble which then derails your personal lifestyle and leaves you complaining that the world is cruel and bitter. Wise up and realize that you are the master of you and only God is greater.

These aren't hard things to do just difficult to maintain because a lot of us choose to be bitter and unhappy for no reason. If you're one of those people stay far from me, I choose to be happy and wear a smile majority of the day.

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