Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fact or Theory

It's a struggle today being a parent, children are exposed to more and more to concepts and follies far above their developing intellect. Society demands that children grow up faster and develop adult minds early in their teen years. From the images on the television to the mainstream music played on radios, the subliminal messages are everywhere and in overwhelming amounts! Even as adults we are pressured to quickly understand and manage the all the new information that is supposedly based on facts developed by scientists who have spent years proving their theories. Here's the problem, most humans are not aware that science of any nature isn't concrete facts. Its actually a study of observations and emotional thought to prove them as a basis for facts. For example, behavioural sciences are meant to study the complexities of the human mind by making a map print of similar traits and/or patterns in human behaviour to then develop a hypothesis based on that pattern which people now take as facts! Anatomical science is the study of living bodies to identify the functions and purpose of each part in depth to provide q base platform for healing and development. Here's the problem, this to is a bunch of hypotheses and theories as the human body has continued to baffle the logic of scientists with its seemingly limitless capabilities as more and more people are stepping forward with what is called "unique abilities". Science is not fact! It is not concrete evidence of anything and therefore does not constitute as a valid source of information to ingest. I'm not here to disprove the accomplishments of science, even the very phone I'm using to print this message is based on science. What I am saying is that people need to learn to identify correct sources of information before running around quoting everything and everyone!

Also to bear in mind is our evolutionary process as human beings. Everyday new information is revealed and foundations are shifted because of it. However we ought to note that these foundations aren't sturdy to begin with, like the concept of the beginning of life by science and their big bang theory or the sudden disappearance of dinosaurs by some great meteor! All wild imaginary ideas even a child could drum up but yet to be proven!! The religious folks will think they have won in that all their evidence is proven. Well I have news for you morons too, your teachings are not only shaky but greatly manipulated by the inaccurate interpretations of man! Your no different to the scientists who you  wage war against!! I remember a pastor saying that one cannot achieve growth without planting a seed, all well and good but what is this seed? His interpretation? Money!! Here's the problem, yes it is true that by logic no plant can grow without a seed but to say that seed is money alone and that if you give more money then you shall receive more blessings is folly!! Seed is a source and therefore is not limited to money you greedy ass dumb fuck! How is it I can pass crucial exams by giving you more money? How can I get that job by giving you more money? How can I acquire a loan by giving you more money? Money is not seed!! I can only speak

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