Friday, May 30, 2014

How to make them leave

In this day and age its far easier to lose someone than keep them. While there are many factors that cause infidelity, sudden breakups and even unexplained absenteeism in relationships, the following are the main causes as to why people suddenly change on us:

1) uncompromising minds: so you are with someone and neither of you can see eye to eye on almost every subject matter under the planet. Healthy is a good debate yes but when it goes to the point that neither of you compromise just to even say OK you win, then it becomes a destabilizing creeper of a wreck waiting to happen. Nobody likes to ever not win, it creates resentment and shows an imbalance in point of view. To be honest it's actually a complete disregard for even the feelings of the other person when something as simple as what channel to watch on TV is always one sided.

2) unbridled aggression: you know yourselves, hot headed, short fused, hyper aggressive people. You think that by telling yourself that you tolerate no bullshit that you have the world fooled but the only fool is you. Exactly who on this planet can live with your ass always in hulk mode walking around smashing everything from faces to ideas to even tears. In your bitter rage to supposedly defend yourself from heart break you become the very monster you once complained about abusing those who have done you nothing for the sake of those who tormented you once. Some of you don't even have an excuse for being so brash and unforgiving, but the cycle you cause is undeniably present as those you abuse become abusers themselves and then you will wonder what's wrong with society.

3) attention neglect: it doesn't matter if you're man or woman, nobody likes being neglected by your significant other and u assure you if u do this expect to be shuffled out by another. Human beings r social creatures, whether we socialize in public or just with those who matter its the same need to be around like minded others who help generate the depths of our personality. It doesn't matter if you work long or play long, if half of that energy isn't spent in the home then its no longer your castle. Much like an emperor who doesn't tend to his kingdom, you will be raided by an enemy you cannot see because you're not looking at the kingdom for the warning signs of invasion. Nobody is taking away from having you time but know that if you're with someone who demands much more of your time than you can give then consider yourself as good as overthrown.

4) vanity: a lot of people actually miss this one because plain and simple its a blinder. There's a reason vanity is a sin, its self centered, self opinionated and very much selfish for that matter making the person you're supposed to be with seem less significant than a used piece of toilet paper! Yes its important to look good but when it goes to the point that you don't even notice changes in your significant other such as the fact they no longer call you daily because you're too busy being in the gym then you my friend have a problem. Vanity isn't just how much time you spend in front a mirror admiring yourself, its a complete worship of self that turns you away from other aspects of your life such as God for example!! As bad as it is living with a hulk, living with a walking worship sermon and mirror is worst!

5) poor finance management: really?? You didn't see this one coming?? How you gonna be with someone but you always broke? You yourself don't want broke people around you but you never have! You get paid, you over spend, you owe the world of debts so even a simple movie run is a problem because you simply have no money! They say money can't buy happiness but it does save relationships because you simply put need money to buy things. How can you go to dinner when you home eating stale crix and mouldy cheese?? Yet still though you want to go in people house and eat premium steak with loaded potatoes eh?? Shame on you!!

6) groupies: exactly how is it you want to be in an exclusive relationship but u have groupies? Some of you think that we just born on a Thursday right before we met you? Groupies are there for one reason and one reason only and that's to inflate your ego anytime it needs a shot in the ass or up the vagina depending on your preference in bed. Now seeing as your significant other is supposed to be the one to help you build and help your grow into an equally great person but yet still here you are with tom, dick, harry, jane, Jill and Manfred von Stickcunt draped all over your ass for you to impress who? Make a turn with that!! You deserve to be unseated!!

7) unsubstantiated exaggeration: too many big words for you? Well that's because you need not only a bigger vocabulary but you also a lesson in having actual substance about you. Simply put this is for those of you who run around boasting about how much of this and that you have when in reality you can't even buy crix without asking for hire purchase! Its important to sell yourself to a prospect but overselling is a constant thing with society today, all this talk about having the biggest dick or the best pussy is meaningless if after two minutes you done and done leaving the other person bitterly unsatisfied well prepare to come home and meet a stallion in that garage and bedroom. Don't think I forgot about you so called ballers who claim to be so independent and having your own but getting repossession letters from courts and standards everyday of the week! You work for all this money and own all these things but the bank have you in the papers on outstanding loan payments while the court have a warrant for you for unpaid child support?? Keep thinking you fooling the world while yet replacement steals away your prize.

8) anti progressive: this country is loaded with many of you, meet you working in a store and leave you still working in the same store with not even an inkling to get back to school and further yourself to be at least the store manager. Humans are naturally progressive beings, it's part of our inner desire to grow to the next level and learn new skills and traits. How you people get by being stagnant is beyond me but best believe that its unattractive and will push away anybody who even thinks of being with you. If you only think of the present and not the future then there's no future relationship for you as all you will be is a figment of the past.

9) incompatible traits: from the start this is how to separate yourself from someone. Many people fail to realize that compatibility is very important to the longevity of a relationship. This compatibility is what brings balance in the home and negated the previous 8 obstacles with ease. A good example, a man who is a workaholic can never be with a woman who's a socialite, there's no meeting ground between these two and then all of the other obstacles such as financial issues, aggression and vanity to name a few enter the home and ruin the bond that may have been established. No amount of good sex is worth this level of frustration, that's like using icy hot on a broken limb expecting it to heal without a cast.

10) uncleanness: if I have to go into detail about this you're already down the wrong road, turn around now!!

These are but ten of the basic things we do that chase away what could be a long lasting and fruitful relationship. Come on people do that soul searching and let's not blame love for our stupidity!

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