Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Unsung Heroes

Many people come into your life for many reasons, it's a saying that's been rinsed and washed in my ears for many years now and often I have wondered at the purpose of each. As the years have passed I've observed that the reasons that people enter your life far outweighs the time they spend in it. The flip side however is that the impact that someone has on your life is directly related to the amount of time that person spends in your immediate life in relation to the relevance of the impact on your life at that particular point in time. In the middle of all the mixing and mingling however, there are select individuals sent by god (that's right this isn't a pluralistic blog, i'm a child of god) whose input is so massive that it cannot be ignored for years to come. These individuals do not often get the gratitude and respect due on to them for their selfless service in answering the call. They come in many forms and far across the globe, but their mission is the same, to deliver an experience/ revelation that transcends generations.

These unsung heroes didn't have to answer such calls and could have very well gone about their own business instead of entering the lives of others. Their work is often hard and labourious and many times complicated by the ignorance of the very people they were sent to assist. It's a shame that there yeoman's work is unappreciated and underrated because it is the work of such individuals that shape the outcomes of many careers both positive and negative. My own encounter with such an individual has led to the creation of this blog. A chance encounter with an old friend in a time when depression reduced my fighting will to fractions of what it once was. It's strange because of all people I honestly did not expect her to be the person who would possess the insight and intuition to probe my mind and reveal the source of my ailment. Her intellect and intelligence are beyond question, but I never once suspected that she would be able to probe my mind with such ease (hmm i should marry her).

In this ode to these unsung heroes that enter our lives, let us beware that misusing the kindness of such individuals is at an extremely expensive price. Ignorance of such blessings must never be promoted or condoned at any level in society for the outcomes always have significant multiple consequences both negative and positive in the forseeable and longterm future.


  1. Wow, that girl must be really smart. I look forward to more revelations from the heart and not the mind. :)

  2. yes she was, very smart indeed! I'm getting to those revelations in time
