Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It's been a usual christmas build up here in the streets, this is a season plagued with inconsistencies around the world and for very good reason. Marred with constant vices and conflicting roots, this holiday no longer has an identity of any variety. For years I've been in limbo as to the true meaning of this holiday, it's a shame that what I found out turned into a lifelong war and prejudice against the Catholic faith and all who support their views. As far as my research has allowed me to see, this so called "holy" holiday has been filled with nothing but violence and destruction leaving many victims in its wake. Leaders have used it as an excuse to to dominate weaker civilizations for millenia, but it's roots are soaked in violence and corruption. A holiday based on a society being ridiculed for its beliefs and then overthrown and converted by force is bound to reap the level of destruction that plagues the planet today.

More than three millenia ago, some very unscrupulous and distasteful catholics overthrew a society of pagans and forced them into christianity and then absorbed their celebrations of solstice and yule (both festivals honouring false gods Saturnalia and Mirthra respectively). This adaptation was cursed from the beginning and is the truth behind the constant chaos and commercial veins of today's celebrations. Growing up in the streets, I've seen this holiday degenerate into a pile of utter distaste and war. Each passing year has beena continual downward spiral especially at this time of year, as false feelings of good cheer continued to be spread masquerading as a holy holiday in the name of christ!! How dare you blaspheme the name of Christ with your pseudo celebrations that have clearly been marinated in the stench of pagan ways and ideals. The saddest part is not what was done but what continues to be supported after all these years of the church itself admitting that it covered up records that revealed the truth about this farce, spiritual leaders still encourage their members to conform to this horrendous and blasphemous celebration.

Let the world beware that support of such follies is the foundation of it's demise, many more will fall at the hands of such distasteful lie and deception. Beware the Earthbound Immortal Decipere

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