Tuesday, December 15, 2009


It's unfortunate that once again I find myself writing again about the topic of relationships and what goes wrong. It's a very sad reality that people do sabotage their own happy homes for the sake of worshipping the Earthbound Immortals that plague this world. Pride, lust and greed are the main idols that both men and women give into that erode true happiness and remove us not only from the presence of god but also the gifts he bestowed upon us such as that relationship you're trying to screw up.

I can't emphasize enough the pain that comes with such actions, pain not only to the person committing the act but especially to those on the receiving end as well. In case your wondering what it's like on either end consider this, in a case of infidelity in even a one (1) year relationship, the person committing the sin is trapped in a sub-concious storm clash between a long term commitment and the adrenaline of being a prize catch in the eyes of others. This battle is the quintessential fundamental in determining the cause of infidelity. It is especially most rampant in between the ages of 16 - 40 with the worst cases being in the mid twenties. This lack of control over emotions was predominantly associated with men, but over the past couple of decades evidence has surfaced that also identify women as the cause as well. In either which case, it comes down to the individual versus the relationship itself. Humans have a natural need to be wanted by others and seek companionship, it is this same needs that gives rise to longterm relationships and marriage, but sadly it's also the cause of delinquent partners. The need to be wanted by others is dangerous when left unchecked, it can develop simple communication into carnal escapades that are not easily explained to one's significant other. When forbidden attractions do develop outside the relationship, the first stage of communication break down begins, where the cheating partner is unable to maintain communication levels due to a fear of revealing the truth to their significant others and the consequences that will follow. This in turn leads to a break down in trust (due to increasing suspicion) and eventually the crumbling of the relationship whether the truth is revealed or not.

Pride is a lesser known force of demolition in relationships, while it's compatriot lust is starkingly conspicuous, pride is as silent as a shinobi and not only destroys relationships but lives as well. Pride is that element that doesn't allow you to admit you have a problem, it prevents you from coming to terms with your inner most feelings as it dictates that this is weak and not to be condoned. This blindness traps people in destroyed relationships that are abusive on the mind and soul, it cages souls in lies and deceit all while creating a labyrinth of illusions designed to disorient and confuse the individual so that they can't think or see that the answers are right in front of them. Arrogance, ignorance, distrust, rage and envy are all children of the Earthbound Immortal Superbia, they feed on the over exertion of emotions and grow as hate is added as a hyper accelerant.

Let all who read beware, we can never escape unhappiness so long as we are ruled by these forces. Healing requires true forgiveness of self as well as offenders for we ask the lord to forgive us. Pride and lust must not be in the way of our true healing as these will lead to our internal demise and overall destruction. They cause us to act irrationally and blaze an already raging inferno.

Beware the wrath of the Earthbound Immortals

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