Thursday, December 17, 2009


Barriers exist for one purpose in life and that is to prevent access to a place, situation or even people. Some barriers exist as border lines designed to limit reach and access to personal space by establishing a limiting line or the creation of walls and moats. It's true that not all borders and barriers are designed to protect us, some were designed to restrict us from growing and prospering in life while others were created to prevent us from seeing the truth. It is important to be able to identify which barriers are to our benefit and which are to our detriment. Sadly most people are unable to identify whether a barrier is positive or negative because they cannot differentiate the true purpose of the border restriction. A good example is the borderline between nations, these borders were established not only as a form of territorial markings but also as a hidden form of population control. Without national borders especially on continents such as the Americas where multiple nations share one land mass would be in absolute chaos. These borders allow billions of people to be split into manageable amounts for various nations where economic balance can be established without being overwhelmed by the very people they were elected to lead and protect.

Positive borders were designed to protect us from ourselves as well as others. These borders whether set by ourselves or others have identified that a particular situation or person is uhealthy for our development and as such should be avoided. To be able to identify a positive border, it's important that you know what you really want for yourself in life so you can decipher between what helps and what doesn't. Positive barriers prevent you from falling over treacherous precipices that will ruin your life and career, they are often mistaken for negative barriers due to our own impatience and lack of wisdom and experience. It must be pointed out that matters of the heart are most susceptible to this behaviour as it is these that we most treasure and are willing to hold on to at any cost. Ironically positive borders were meant to ensure that we avoid these unnecessary sacrifices bvy revealing the truth about a particular topic, situation or person. In order for us to see the heart of the truth we must be able to remove our personal feelings and opinions as they are blinkers to our eyes in order to behold the greater picture. This revelation will allow you to see where you really stand in the whole scheme and consequently point out the positive barriers and what they're saving you from.

Negative barriers are those that prevent us from accomplishing our goals and dreams. The scariest fact about these barriers are that they are powered by the Earthbound Immortals Pride, Jealousy and Lust. These are true barriers and not just borders as they not only blind and prevent us from growing and learning, they out right obstruct our paths using our very means of movement. These barriers are comparable to concrete road blocks planted in the middle of a highway, they not only impede but they cause tremendous backlogs and and consequential accidents and unforseen dangers that derail our lives and leave us stranded and distraught. Negative barriers also serve as a diversion in life, sadly the direction that it leads to is the dreaded desert of despair, where doubt and depression await all who dare to tread its sands. The only way to recognize a negative barrier is to be able to admit to your weaknesses and learn to overcome them. Negativity preys on the weak points of us all and if left unchecked can reduce even mighty men to nothing more than a grain of sand.

The sad reality is that while positive borders are created by outside forces mostly, negative barriers are almost always created by ourselves. If we can't do something as simple as look ourselves in the mirror and see what needs to be repaired within ourselves, we'll be jus like the unmaintained home that falls apart with each passing day due to neglect.

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