Saturday, December 26, 2009


It's been a while since I've updated this blog but that's only because of the unfolding drama between two friends that has escalated into a series of unfortunate events. Most of my entries have been focused on the causes of losing battles against the Earthbound Immortals. This time I'm going to focus on the consequences of giving in to these demons.

When we give in to ignorance we confuse the mind and darken the soul. We lose focus of our mind and heart and fall into a desert of despair and desperation. The only thing worse than giving into the power of the Earthbound Immortals is handing over complete control of your being and delving into excess negativity. Be warned that the bible, qu'ran, iching and even the gita warns about excess in anything is above and beyond dangerous, it's outright forbidden. The reason for this is that when we over indulge, we become slaves and worshipers of idols other than god, it doesn't matter what it may be whether alcohol, arrogance, desire or even self development. In case your still not sure why you would be "denied" ultimate pleasure, consider this: men and women who overindulge in sex become immune to the pleasure that it is because the nerves become desensitized and unresponsive, when someone is drunk with behaviour they're often embarassed when it is displayed in public and they're constantly reminded of it, the longer you hold an 8oz glass of water for more than an hour your arm becomes tired and pains of exhaustion. All these examples mean that life was in fact designed to be lived within limits and reason, just as our bodies are limited in their physical attributes. If we were really designed to live above and beyond then our design would be vastly varied to be able to absorb the ridiculous levels of abuse that would be inflicted upon them.

Just thought I'd give you something to think about next time you decide to live over the edge. Beware the Earthbound Immortal Luxur

Sunday, December 20, 2009


The source of all curiosity begins in the heart, it is the first to wonder at the world and all it beholds even at the costliest of prices. We may not know it but we ask more questions than we get answers on a daily basis with some questions taking years to answer. When something occurs that is beyond our understanding we ask a question in hopes that answer shall be forthcoming sooner rather than later. What we don't realize is that the answers we receive is determined by the timing and nature of our questions. Sadly as human beings we are the most impatient and confused of all god's wondrous creations, we assume that we are above and beyond all without understanding the truth behind our role on this planet.

In our ignorance we find that some of the most unfortunate of incidents are often repeated because we don't ask the required question to gain the answers we seek. We're so convinced that we have the answers to all our own problems that it often eludes the mind and the eyes that sometimes the answers to our problems are not within our reach but often require the influence of god in order to be obtained. Mankind must understand that the knowledge we seek is useless once we do not fully comprehend the full uses of the answers we acquire, a perfect example is the use of food, for years it has been confined to consumption by the flesh and now it is being experimented for machine consumption. It has taken man more than a century since the invention of the automobile to gain the finite knowledge that we now possess. Had we turned to the only source of infinite wisdom we have available through god this problem would have been overcome many years sooner, and who knows the problems we're experiencing with global warming may not have existed.

The simple fact of the matter is that man is unable to solve his own problems, if this were not true then we wouldn't be in half the messes of life we encounter multiple times now would we? Therefore pride and arrogance must be put aside so that we may be able to ask the appropriate questions at the appropriate time. Only when these are done will we be able to learn and grow in faith and spirit.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Barriers exist for one purpose in life and that is to prevent access to a place, situation or even people. Some barriers exist as border lines designed to limit reach and access to personal space by establishing a limiting line or the creation of walls and moats. It's true that not all borders and barriers are designed to protect us, some were designed to restrict us from growing and prospering in life while others were created to prevent us from seeing the truth. It is important to be able to identify which barriers are to our benefit and which are to our detriment. Sadly most people are unable to identify whether a barrier is positive or negative because they cannot differentiate the true purpose of the border restriction. A good example is the borderline between nations, these borders were established not only as a form of territorial markings but also as a hidden form of population control. Without national borders especially on continents such as the Americas where multiple nations share one land mass would be in absolute chaos. These borders allow billions of people to be split into manageable amounts for various nations where economic balance can be established without being overwhelmed by the very people they were elected to lead and protect.

Positive borders were designed to protect us from ourselves as well as others. These borders whether set by ourselves or others have identified that a particular situation or person is uhealthy for our development and as such should be avoided. To be able to identify a positive border, it's important that you know what you really want for yourself in life so you can decipher between what helps and what doesn't. Positive barriers prevent you from falling over treacherous precipices that will ruin your life and career, they are often mistaken for negative barriers due to our own impatience and lack of wisdom and experience. It must be pointed out that matters of the heart are most susceptible to this behaviour as it is these that we most treasure and are willing to hold on to at any cost. Ironically positive borders were meant to ensure that we avoid these unnecessary sacrifices bvy revealing the truth about a particular topic, situation or person. In order for us to see the heart of the truth we must be able to remove our personal feelings and opinions as they are blinkers to our eyes in order to behold the greater picture. This revelation will allow you to see where you really stand in the whole scheme and consequently point out the positive barriers and what they're saving you from.

Negative barriers are those that prevent us from accomplishing our goals and dreams. The scariest fact about these barriers are that they are powered by the Earthbound Immortals Pride, Jealousy and Lust. These are true barriers and not just borders as they not only blind and prevent us from growing and learning, they out right obstruct our paths using our very means of movement. These barriers are comparable to concrete road blocks planted in the middle of a highway, they not only impede but they cause tremendous backlogs and and consequential accidents and unforseen dangers that derail our lives and leave us stranded and distraught. Negative barriers also serve as a diversion in life, sadly the direction that it leads to is the dreaded desert of despair, where doubt and depression await all who dare to tread its sands. The only way to recognize a negative barrier is to be able to admit to your weaknesses and learn to overcome them. Negativity preys on the weak points of us all and if left unchecked can reduce even mighty men to nothing more than a grain of sand.

The sad reality is that while positive borders are created by outside forces mostly, negative barriers are almost always created by ourselves. If we can't do something as simple as look ourselves in the mirror and see what needs to be repaired within ourselves, we'll be jus like the unmaintained home that falls apart with each passing day due to neglect.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


It's unfortunate that once again I find myself writing again about the topic of relationships and what goes wrong. It's a very sad reality that people do sabotage their own happy homes for the sake of worshipping the Earthbound Immortals that plague this world. Pride, lust and greed are the main idols that both men and women give into that erode true happiness and remove us not only from the presence of god but also the gifts he bestowed upon us such as that relationship you're trying to screw up.

I can't emphasize enough the pain that comes with such actions, pain not only to the person committing the act but especially to those on the receiving end as well. In case your wondering what it's like on either end consider this, in a case of infidelity in even a one (1) year relationship, the person committing the sin is trapped in a sub-concious storm clash between a long term commitment and the adrenaline of being a prize catch in the eyes of others. This battle is the quintessential fundamental in determining the cause of infidelity. It is especially most rampant in between the ages of 16 - 40 with the worst cases being in the mid twenties. This lack of control over emotions was predominantly associated with men, but over the past couple of decades evidence has surfaced that also identify women as the cause as well. In either which case, it comes down to the individual versus the relationship itself. Humans have a natural need to be wanted by others and seek companionship, it is this same needs that gives rise to longterm relationships and marriage, but sadly it's also the cause of delinquent partners. The need to be wanted by others is dangerous when left unchecked, it can develop simple communication into carnal escapades that are not easily explained to one's significant other. When forbidden attractions do develop outside the relationship, the first stage of communication break down begins, where the cheating partner is unable to maintain communication levels due to a fear of revealing the truth to their significant others and the consequences that will follow. This in turn leads to a break down in trust (due to increasing suspicion) and eventually the crumbling of the relationship whether the truth is revealed or not.

Pride is a lesser known force of demolition in relationships, while it's compatriot lust is starkingly conspicuous, pride is as silent as a shinobi and not only destroys relationships but lives as well. Pride is that element that doesn't allow you to admit you have a problem, it prevents you from coming to terms with your inner most feelings as it dictates that this is weak and not to be condoned. This blindness traps people in destroyed relationships that are abusive on the mind and soul, it cages souls in lies and deceit all while creating a labyrinth of illusions designed to disorient and confuse the individual so that they can't think or see that the answers are right in front of them. Arrogance, ignorance, distrust, rage and envy are all children of the Earthbound Immortal Superbia, they feed on the over exertion of emotions and grow as hate is added as a hyper accelerant.

Let all who read beware, we can never escape unhappiness so long as we are ruled by these forces. Healing requires true forgiveness of self as well as offenders for we ask the lord to forgive us. Pride and lust must not be in the way of our true healing as these will lead to our internal demise and overall destruction. They cause us to act irrationally and blaze an already raging inferno.

Beware the wrath of the Earthbound Immortals

Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Beginnings

I was asked tonight by a dear friend if I ever think about settling down, the truth is I've been thinking about it everyday for the past year. As my heart healed and my mind and body was altered to unleash the new me, I thought alot about the lifestyle I've enjoyed and the pros and cons about it all. Single life has allowed me to really have a good look at myself, the time I've spent in meditation and soul searching has revealed traits and facts about myself that even I wasn't aware of at all. Some of these included previously unnoticed weaknesses and faulty traits that have led to the demise of many of my relationships and have contributed to some of the poor decisions I've made in the past. It's also allowed me to behold the kind of woman I really want to settle with and eventually marry in the forseeable future. I've been blessed through the many female friends that I have to see multiple traits and qualities in women and then study them in live combat. Honestly speaking, women are confusing to the untrained male, if your not sure what your looking to see in them it is beyond easy to be trapped and bewildered.

Now that I know what I really want, I can honestly say that yes I am ready to be committed again, but this time i'm playing for keeps. I'm older and wiser now so I'm better prepared for the game players and the masters of misdirection. My eyes have been empowered with a vision beyond the physical and my heart and mind are conditioned for the patience needed to endure the abuse of lies and deceit. Don't be fooled world, I'm still the same old RR, but with a few vital mods that will reinforce me against your trickery and pseudo ideals. I think the best part about this new me is that I'm proving to myself day by day that I've outgrown the old games and it's time to hang up the guns and bring out the new books and artillery. Your probably wondering what is it that I really look for in a woman, well the answer is simple, i want to be able to look at my reflection. There's no other way for this to work with me, I've tested multiple samples so I'm sure that this is the best way for me to go. No world you can't fool me with the look alikes anymore, I know me and I know what I want, so piss off with your horrendous imitations that crumble before my divine might!!

This is to a new beginning with new outcomes, I've finally been blessed with the answers I've long prayed for so it's time to plant some seeds and complete my dream. It's true that I still do have some issues to work on, but that's just part of why I'm the best by test!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It's been a usual christmas build up here in the streets, this is a season plagued with inconsistencies around the world and for very good reason. Marred with constant vices and conflicting roots, this holiday no longer has an identity of any variety. For years I've been in limbo as to the true meaning of this holiday, it's a shame that what I found out turned into a lifelong war and prejudice against the Catholic faith and all who support their views. As far as my research has allowed me to see, this so called "holy" holiday has been filled with nothing but violence and destruction leaving many victims in its wake. Leaders have used it as an excuse to to dominate weaker civilizations for millenia, but it's roots are soaked in violence and corruption. A holiday based on a society being ridiculed for its beliefs and then overthrown and converted by force is bound to reap the level of destruction that plagues the planet today.

More than three millenia ago, some very unscrupulous and distasteful catholics overthrew a society of pagans and forced them into christianity and then absorbed their celebrations of solstice and yule (both festivals honouring false gods Saturnalia and Mirthra respectively). This adaptation was cursed from the beginning and is the truth behind the constant chaos and commercial veins of today's celebrations. Growing up in the streets, I've seen this holiday degenerate into a pile of utter distaste and war. Each passing year has beena continual downward spiral especially at this time of year, as false feelings of good cheer continued to be spread masquerading as a holy holiday in the name of christ!! How dare you blaspheme the name of Christ with your pseudo celebrations that have clearly been marinated in the stench of pagan ways and ideals. The saddest part is not what was done but what continues to be supported after all these years of the church itself admitting that it covered up records that revealed the truth about this farce, spiritual leaders still encourage their members to conform to this horrendous and blasphemous celebration.

Let the world beware that support of such follies is the foundation of it's demise, many more will fall at the hands of such distasteful lie and deception. Beware the Earthbound Immortal Decipere

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Loose Ends

It's been two long years since that fateful day, two years of pain and silent suffering, two years of learning and healing, two years of contemplating and planning. I didn't know it back then, but that day would be a landmark in my life. It would mark the end of an era and shatter many of my beliefs and destroy values that I once held dear. Fate had already planned for you to go and I see that more than clearly now, as much as I fought for otherwise it just would not be. It's a shame that I ignored all the early warning signs that would have saved me many a strain, the visions were clear and the opportunities were many, but I ignored them all.

The say that love is blind and that is why it's scars are deep, I would agree! After all it's taken me an entire two years to get to this point in my life where I can safely say I'm finally over you and I'm ready to move forward. The mistrust and fear is gone, the worry and concern still lingers, but those are from the lessons learnt. I allowed myself to be fooled by you and I paid the ultimate price for my foolish heart. Let this be the last of you that will reside in me, now cast out never to return again, it's funny that after all this time the bad feelings are gone and I can see who you really are. I still see the person I fell in love with, but I also see a person I previously was blind to. I must admit that this sight has revealed a new gift in me, my eyes are now able to take time and act as early warning sensors for they see into the soul and not just the flesh. Had I not met you the experiences I've gained and the people I've met would have been blind to me, so I thank you for that too. Most of all I thank you for allowing me to do the one thing that has eluded me for many years, and that's the ability to open my heart and truly love.

If not for your scheming ways I would not have seen my own weaknesses, and would have been another educated ignorant fool walking this planet. God truly knows what he did when he sent you into my life, and as I said then and I say now, you're a heaven sent and that you will always be. I am thankful that you were in my life and for all that I've learnt, you truly were instrumental in helping me grow into the man that I am today. I'm no longer mad at you for what happened as I now know that this is life and it can happen to anyone at anytime for any reason. I have a better understanding of who I am as a whole and even though it will take time for me to rebuild my life the future is clear as to where I'm going and what I want for me in my life and my happiness.

Perhaps the most important lesson you've taught me though, is that despite all my knowledge I still have alot to learn and many a way to go in life. Now that I can see that my veil of arrogance is gone and the real me can step forward into a new light and new life with confidence and assertiveness. If you ever get to read this I wish you well in life and hope that you accomplish all that your heart desires

Let this be the final knot to tie in these loose ends, be well Starriegold Kallie!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Strictly Business

For years I've been ask many questions about investments and opportunities in Trinidad and Tobago and around the world to a certain extent. Sadly a key investment topic has been overlooked for many years that has continued to affect billions of people globally on an annual basis, the safety of their jobs. Society dictates that in order for one to succeed that he/she must obtain an established level of education that is deemed acceptable and relevant to acquire an accpeted standard earning to enter a various class of society that is deemed successful by the general public.

So the question begs, after all this studying and sleepless nights, now what? What do I do with my new found education and knowledge?? This up hill battle faces not only many graduate students but also professionals who have been employed in large organisations for years and find themselves retrenched or jobless after senior executives destroy organisations by stealing crippling amounts from the company itself. Unfortunately the only losers in such cases are the workers themselves who contribute towards the unemployment percentage and increase the strain on social programs. It is fundamental that whether you are in an entry level position or a senior executive in an organisation or even a student searching for job prospects that you be aware of the business environment because it affects us all in some form or manner. The nature and size of the organisation will determine it's impact on the nation or even the region or the world, so it's important for all to pay attention to reports of misconduct in business of any sort. It is important to remember that 99% of these reports are sourced from fact rather than fiction, so at the base is where you would want to commence your investigation.

There are several basic signs to be aware of when investigating the stability of any organisation:

1) Changes in Organisational Structure - this is a key sign that things aren't as well as the public relations would like you to think. Managers on all levels are trained to defend the organisation even at the cost of their own careers, so it's important to pay attention to the tone and repetition efforts to claim the company's stability. When companies do organisational changes, it's a sign of budget cuts and economic reform to keep the organisation afloat due to low capital reserves or dwindling revenue expectations. These changes are usually accompanied by a reduction in perks for middle management, the unification of positions (even if it means that one person is stuck with multiple portfolios they're not qualified to handle) and the removal of departments and officers.

2) Muliple Conferences - these conferences are usually all about the many reasons the organisation is stable and productive. These meetings are loaded with charts about past performances reaching as far back as possible. Sometimes these conferences are really over the top and alot of effort is put into the ambience instead of the presentation itself

3) Conflicting Media Reports - this is another key sign that things are falling on the wrong end of the fence. It's no secret that some senior executives sell company information to the media for huge profits, this info is then countered by the communications unit of the organisation in an effort to discredit any leaked information.

4) Delayed Audit Reports - audit reports are concrete proof of an organisations performance over the financial year. They identify true net profit/ loss as well as structural weaknesses in the organisation's operations, public knowledge of this info can lead to plunging investment revenues, lowered consumer confidence as well as an exodus of staff and hasten the crumbling process. These reports are usually edited internally firstly and then the books are examined at a later date by external auditors as mandated by law. The longer the delay in releasing these reports the worst the situation is as organisations always hasten to highlight their profits.

Hopefully these tips combined with proper observation will lead to smarter workers and investors as well as socially aware students. Ignorance is not bliss people!!

Beware the Earth Bound Immortal Avaritia

Sunday, December 6, 2009


So I'm back from the hospital after a successful surgery, I have to admit I almost didn't make it this far because I lost my faith and was so near to defeat from the desert of despair that I tasted the sand. Thank god for some very dear friends two of whom remarkably disagree with each other but always have my best interest in mind. I'm thankful to everyone who was there doing god's work guiding me, I'm not sure how many of them are aware of how hard this thing really affected me mentally. This experience has been really interesting over the last couple months as I've discovered more about myself and my life, as it relates to faith, the power of prayer and where i stand with god.

Despite all I've been through I've always been guided by the holy spirit, even when the road seemed dark and lonely and I feel alone and unwanted, Jesus has always been walking with me and directing my path. It's been a rough two years since I left RBTT and I have to admit there were times I really doubted all that I've done because the results were not what I expected. The struggles have culminated to this last event where when everything seemed to be going right, the lights are dimmed on my world and all seems lost again. I've met many people in similar situations and it was astoundingly easier to tell a story than live it. Constant rejection and disappointment is beyond disheartening, it reduces the will to fight and in cases of unwanted temptation lead to straying minds and mountains of trouble and struggle. Growing up in the streets all my life, I've seen first hand the end results of depression and disenchantment. Misconduct and isolation are dangerous and potent in their combination, but sadly is the result of such depression. Those who endure such feelings often indulge in illegal activities and groups seeking the comfort of companionship and identity. This search for companionship leaves it's bearers vulnerable to multiple attacks from society and only hastens the trip to self destruction.

It's not difficult for me to understand how people including my eldest brother walk this road, I've been tempted many times myself and admittedly still consider it given how many obstacles and mountains I've deemed unnecessary for me to climb. Lack of proper understanding of the full impact of depression is the fault of society who leave it up to mischief and idle hands. Truth be told if not for proper encouragement and guidance from Jesus and my friends he's blessed me with, it would have only been a matter of time before I too would be in the news for murder or drug dealing, or some other unscrupulous activity. Isolation and lack of comfort leave the heart and soul empty, even the strongest minds have fallen to these demons and have created some of the worst people in history including Al Capone, Adolf Hitler and George Bush to name a few.

As I reflect on my own mortality and what could have been I must be thankful that I was redirected from my path of destruction and can only warn that the world beware the Earth Bound Immortal Exitium

Friday, December 4, 2009

Past and Present (part 2)

Over the years I've seen many sturdy relationships rise and crumble, even those that seemed destined to last in the end succumb to the abuses and pitfalls. These pitfalls have existed for millenia and continue to plague and torment modern day couples and friendships. In my own experience I was given a front seat show as to how easy it is for these things to fall apart like a house of cards in a gentle breeze.

In my early years, alot of time was spent jumping from one woman to the other in a series of failed relationships that ultimately led to a failed engagement. In each and every one of those relationships I repeated fundamental mistakes that have led to continual failure and decreased enthusiasm and drive on my part. My very first relationship was my first experience with pure physical attraction, there was no mutual ground whatsoever, just pure physical attraction. She was beautiful, I never was a big fan of skinny women, but I do have a well known weakness for the thicker women, the red ones especially! She was everything I thought a woman should be physically, I remember gawking at her until my mind went blank everytime I saw her, can't say she didn't notice, she would wave at me with a long teasing look but never say a word. Well as fate would have it her mother new my uncle whom I was staying with at the time so making the connection was easy. We had nothing in common as it turned out, she was every bit as opposite to me as east is to west but she was astoundingly gorgeous and I was young and impatient, my hormones wouldn't allow me to leave her alone. We did go out eventually, I was a happy and horny man, it didn't hurt she thought I was cute and was willing to try me out. It took about two weeks after for sex to get involved and that's when things got complicated. She was good, really good, the kind who could make your knees wobble with ease, but as time went on it became just about sex because outside of the bedroom we fought about everything. She was possessive and I demanded freedom, it didnt help that I was young and getting into extreme partying either, so I was always drunk and my behaviour was really erratic.

The drama that was building was too much for us to last and I actually was sad when we broke up. For years I've tried to understand how it could've gone so wrong so fast, we barely lasted six months but I felt like I failed for a lifetime. Truth be told I really did like her, but for all the wrong reasons, after the physical attraction everything else was on opposite sides of the berlin wall. Even though we were the same age and went to the same church, we were worlds apart and I didn't even know enough about myself to see that it was doomed to fail. Looking back I can see where so many of my relationships and many others have failed. Fundamentals were lacking in too many areas and all were overlooked in the name of lust. I see why lust is listed as one of the seven deadly sins and is frowned upon since the days of the ten commandments. It blinds hearts and eyes, so it becomes easy to run head first into obstacles the size of mountains. In that relationship we fought over everything from who I kept as company to why I always watch outside whenever we tried to talk to who is the many men that kept calling at her house whether I was there or not. I'll confess that had I known what I know now, there was no way I would've even thought about going near her because it would be easier for me to see the drama that was to be.

It's highly unfair to both parties involved to ever think that a causal relationship is remotely close to a friendship because at the end of the day it's not meaningless sex but a hypocritical agreement that two people can be physically involved without raising false feelings for each other. True relationships whether friendship, intimate, spiritual, family, etc. require that all parties involved understand each other to levels that do not allow the crossing of borders without consent and knowledge of the consequences. This understanding involves not only communication but also compromise and tact so that true consideration is given to the many variables that arise when people meet.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Past and Present (part 1)

It's been said that humans are creatures of habit for many years, many behavioural scientist have studied the causes of various habits and their consequences. In my own experiences I have found that these habits span many factors and situations, leading to multiple outcomes and complex sub situations. As a counsellor and mentor the majority of these experiences has been circled around social relationships of many varieties and their impact of individuals groups and teams. I've been continually amazed at the implications of relationships even in my own experiences, they have lead to life altering decisions and ultimately determine how far we go in life. I firmly believe that they are the building blocks of mankind and if not correctly harnessed can lead to extreme consequences.

As a man of christian faith the first relationship we are taught to foster is with Jesus Christ, and even though many may argue this is questionable due to multiple religions and beliefs, we'll all just have to wait til judgment day to know that I'm right. No matter your beliefs however, you are taught that god comes first, no matter what you call him by. We were all made to understand that a sound relationship with him is fundamental to good living because he is our creator and this is what is due to him as our father. It's interesting that the concepts and methods identified for maintaining a healthy relationship with god are beyond coincidental to maintaining any kind of relationship with our family, peers and elders. Behavioural experts who have done years of studies have determined that multiple types of communication between individuals as one of the key components to maintaining healthy and vibrant relationships. Compared to what has been taught for millenia before the advancement of modern science, that when we talk to god it's not about praying for things we want, since the time of Abraham we have seen examples of communication with god spanning many topics from worship to knowledge seeking to counsellor and even the role of friend in comfort for losses endured. These were some of the concepts that we were taught to practice in relation to our master and creator, yet they are the same he outlined for us amongst our families, friends and even enemies. Two thousand plus years after the same concepts are rediscovered by man and yet still are lacking in even the most basic of relationships.

As a part time counsellor and mentor, I have often seen that a lack of communication as a fundamental weakness in many relationships. Intimate relationships in particular lack this element for multiple reasons with each bringing it's own element of surprise and consequence. The sessions I've held with some of my clients reveal that the breakdown begins during the courtship stage where truths are manipulated in the interest of physical attraction. This desire and manipulation combination is the first step to a fragile foundation which in turn degenerates into a crumbling relationships, immense heart break and ultimately an overdeveloped sense of hate and distrust towards either gender. This combination is fuelled by the rise in "casual sexual" relationships which mandate that the need for communication is limited to "time and place" with little else even considered. These are not considered relationships per say but more mutual agreements but often lead to improper intimacy foundations with limited established mental, emotional and sitmulative understanding. As these are the norm in relationships at many levels in society, it's easy to see why marriages hold so little respect.

Beware the Earthbound Immortal Cupiditas

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Unsung Heroes

Many people come into your life for many reasons, it's a saying that's been rinsed and washed in my ears for many years now and often I have wondered at the purpose of each. As the years have passed I've observed that the reasons that people enter your life far outweighs the time they spend in it. The flip side however is that the impact that someone has on your life is directly related to the amount of time that person spends in your immediate life in relation to the relevance of the impact on your life at that particular point in time. In the middle of all the mixing and mingling however, there are select individuals sent by god (that's right this isn't a pluralistic blog, i'm a child of god) whose input is so massive that it cannot be ignored for years to come. These individuals do not often get the gratitude and respect due on to them for their selfless service in answering the call. They come in many forms and far across the globe, but their mission is the same, to deliver an experience/ revelation that transcends generations.

These unsung heroes didn't have to answer such calls and could have very well gone about their own business instead of entering the lives of others. Their work is often hard and labourious and many times complicated by the ignorance of the very people they were sent to assist. It's a shame that there yeoman's work is unappreciated and underrated because it is the work of such individuals that shape the outcomes of many careers both positive and negative. My own encounter with such an individual has led to the creation of this blog. A chance encounter with an old friend in a time when depression reduced my fighting will to fractions of what it once was. It's strange because of all people I honestly did not expect her to be the person who would possess the insight and intuition to probe my mind and reveal the source of my ailment. Her intellect and intelligence are beyond question, but I never once suspected that she would be able to probe my mind with such ease (hmm i should marry her).

In this ode to these unsung heroes that enter our lives, let us beware that misusing the kindness of such individuals is at an extremely expensive price. Ignorance of such blessings must never be promoted or condoned at any level in society for the outcomes always have significant multiple consequences both negative and positive in the forseeable and longterm future.