Wednesday, July 20, 2011


There are days I look at you and see only sorrow and destruction, worst are the days when all I see is genocide and torment. You live your life to destroy others, you walk this earth making enemies where you shouldn't, and at the end of it all it's me who takes the fall. Never once did you appreciate me next to you, as far as you're concerned I may as well be a piece of drift wood in the sea that you only find when you boat leaves you. The whole world said that you're the worst thing imaginable, looking back now I see why, all these nights because of you I cried, standing by your side was all I ever wanted to do, but you rejected me so what happens next is all on you. Everyday is the same, nothing but worries and pain and all the while you just stand by thinking only of you and what you're going through. Damn another day of rain, another day of you being sickening and lame, you refuse to change and leave me in pain, all the while silently I pray that one day from your hold I be relieved.

How is it can you be so wrong and not see the pain and suffering you cause? Your path to self destruction is so clear to me it feels like I'm the one driving! Sadly you don't see it because you're blinded by greed and a false vision of utopia, the world is nothing but sunshine in the park to you while I on the other hand live in the rain of your actions. How can one person be this evil, your spite knows no limit because you would destroy all that was beautiful. The only consequence you understand is annihilation, as long as everything isn't completely destroyed do you realize that you're prone to errors. This lifestyle you live makes no sense, from the hypocrisy of your morals to the process of your thoughts, it's all a big mess. You crave the spotlight yet shun it's illuminating light, how do you expect to even get by with these kind of fundamentals in your life? While we're talking about fundamentals and future living, what am I in your twisted world of sickening games and tricks? Do I look like some kind of coin machine where you stick your trick coin in with the thread and pull it back out while i activate? When you see me, do you just see a tool to use in your destructive warpath? I probably have the word convenience written all over me because that's all you treat me as, a cuntvenient tool you just pick up and use whenever you feel like it! Let's make this crystal clear, I'm not a tool and not at your beck and call, if you wanted a jackass then you should've gone to a mirror store and buy your reflection! Who do you think you are just walking into my life full of promises but empty on delivery? Your like a bad movie with good promos, full of disappointment and failure! Consider this the end of the road as far as we go, while I still sadly have love for you, don't for a second think that you have any importance to me. Your complete disrespect toward my family, my home, my dreams and my life is unacceptable in any form, fashion or manner!

I suggest that if you have any dignity left that you leave and go, this train has long stopped and it's time for your loafing backside to get the fuck off! I'm tired of all the bullshit and the drama, this has been a long and torturous time with you, standing across the street from you makes me feel like I'm suffocating! Take you lies and schemes and go straight to hell, don't look back at me because that long overdue lightning bolt will surely strike you! I don't know what woman will tolerate you ever again in this lifetime or the next, better start making peace with god, because he alone knows what ill fated actions are patiently awaiting your psycho crazed thoughts. Me on the other hand I'm moving on to a simpler life, where you're clearly not going to be if you don't change! All these years I spent believing in your potential only for you to turn and stab me in the back with all this mistrust and scam! The sad part is that you actually have what it takes to do some great good, but you're too busy being an ass to see any of that!

This is goodbye as we're at the end of this road, from here on out you're officially on your own! Leave me let me be as there's no future with you, hell at this rate i doubt there's a present too! Change your ways if you wish to see thirty, the world isn't anywhere near as patient with you as I would be. All these scams and lies is not the way to live, even your own parents may deny your very existence!

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