Sunday, July 31, 2011


I've known you for some time now, we've been friends longer than I've been having sex. For years you've watched as I've grown into the man that I am today, sometimes you spoke up, and sometimes you let me run into the walls of life. As long as I've had friends you were always there, so many people you've seen me pass through and never wavered. We've never been as close as some of my other friends, but you were always there. If I had to describe you in one word, it would be durable, you've lasted longer than most people who've claimed to be in my corner can ever dream.

So I have one question for you, when did all of this change? How come after years of telling everyone that there's no feelings you suddenly develop some? What changed between when we first met and now? Why is it that now you decide to bring these confessions to me? You assured me for years that this would not happen and then you turn and do exactly what you said you wouldn't do! It's not that I don't think you're a good person, but you never were the type of woman I would be with. It's not your fault, because like you I have flaws, it's just that you're really not my type and I can't see me with you as more than a friend. All these long tears just won't help, I can't lie and say you make my heart melt. It's as simple as 1, 2, 3 there's not going to be any you and me, I'm not attracted to you in any form fashion or manner. I understand that my personality and movements may be a cause for misleading you and for this I am truly sorry. I never meant to send you any wrong signals but this is just the way I am, for years you've known me as a big dirty flirt, we've had fun and you are fun to be around, just not what I'm looking for.

Let's keep it simple and just be friends, don't force yourself to change who you are because of me. Someday you're going to make a man a very nice husband, it's just not going to be me as far as I see it. I'm not trying to put you down, as your friend I wish nothing but good blessings upon you, but I refuse to lie and say that I have any other feelings for you whatsoever. It will be unfair to you for me to force myself to be in love with you when I'm not. All that will make me is as bad a liar as any man who's ever hurt you in the past. I'm sorry love but at the end of the day this just isn't going to work and if you can't be my friend then it's best we go our separate ways from here on out. Please don't take this personally but this is just the way I feel, I know you're hurting and the rejection is tough but as I said earlier I'd rather lose a friend being truthful than be in any kind of lie for a relationship of any kind.

Whatever you decide to do from here on out is up to you, I won't hold it against you. I understand you need time to sort things out and most of all I appreciate your honesty and consideration of our friendship to bring this up. Always know that you are my friend and if ever you need me I'll come.

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