Sunday, October 17, 2010


It's a word used to describe a situation that is so sad and unnecessary that it's a complete waste of time to even describe why such a situation or event could take place. This word also applies to people as well, and lately it applies to a lot of people walking this planet. For several moons I have written about the Earthbound Immortals that plague mankind and how they can turn us from people to demons with minimal effort. My very own eyes and experiences have been witness to what can only be described as the unfortunate behaviour of human beings created to serve god and love one another turn on each other like animals in the wild. To fully highlight just how bad the situation has become, imagine a scene from National Geographic where hyenas feed on each other for survival and you'll begin to get an idea as to how horrible human beings actually behave in today's world. For many years we've all seen someone who's behaviour can only be described as inhumane perpetrate acts so horrendous that the imagination is left in shambles that such ideas can even be conceived. The sad part is though that these monsters aren't limited to the Idi Amins and Adolf Hitlers who destroyed the lives of many with their versions of Armageddon, it's those who are far worse, like the modern day tribes who claim equality but persecute the less fortunate for their own gains and gratification, the neatly dressed warlords who destroy the lives of billions with the click of a button, the devil's dressed in white with plastic halos who claim to save but rape and molest the innocence of the young without conscience. Those are the people who really make the world as dangerous as it is today, they wear masks of righteousness but demolish more than every single world war put together, they are the ones who have teeth sharper than dragons but speak with the voice of a child and they walk among us daily!

For the really unprepared, this may seem exaggerated so let me paint a simpler picture for you, imagine you just started a new job and during your probation, you find yourself the victim of a supervisor who for no explicable reason insists that your a problem to them and set out to have you fired. If you think such situations don't exist you're either part of the problem or are too young to see the worst in humans. Sadly though such people do exist, they're the ones who are enveloped by envy and jealousy, greed and self glorification, they don't care who you are but as long as you appear to be a threat to their very ideals you're the enemy and they're out to destroy you. These people make up nearly half of the planet and come in all forms and shapes, another good example of their behaviour are the people who we daily here about sending emails and messages of all sorts for worthy donations in the name of humanity but only keep your generosity for their own leisure and deny those who really need the support that they need to even survive. If you're the kind of person who thinks that this is the only way to live then unfortunately you are one of the evil ones and your day of reckoning is on the way.

The worst part about these unfortunate individuals is that they are CONVINCED that how they live is not only correct but that others should live like them so long as it doesn't affect their own miserable and unfulfilled lifestyles. It's even sadder that these people hope to understand why they can only go so far in life and no further! What really boggles my brain though is that they ACTUALLY try to convince others that living a self less lifestyle is considered weak and improper!! What kind of demons would even think of something like that? It's one thing to develop yourself and grow in your life, but to prosper at the expense of others is unethical, unholy, ill mannered, distasteful, inconceivable, etc. I know of no religion or faith that promotes, supports, suggests, implies in any form, fashion or manner that this kind of progress is even tolerable much less condoned.

This is to all the people who choose to live right via kindness and goodwill and above all love toward their fellow man, keep up the good work for this was the way our lord intended for us to live!! As for the rest of you unscrupulous, unholy, inconceivably diabolical, unintelligent lifeforms from another universe of scrap, get a life and get far behind me minions of satan!! I refuse to bow to the so called power of the earthbound immortal Malum

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