Sunday, November 13, 2011

Men vs Women

A long standing argument between the genders, is which gender is the simpler of the two to be. I asked a woman recently if she were given the opportunity to be a man if she would take it and why. She immediately said she would jump at such a chance, but only to see what men really think of women's feelings, what a man really wants from a woman and why men find it so difficult to understand what women really want.

Let's begin with the first question, what men really think of women's feelings, this is a slightly varied topic depending on the stage of the man so let's deal with the general information. Most men agree that women are largely fluctuate about their emotions. As far as men go women are as emotionally stable as a pirogue in the middle of the Bering Strait. Ladies as a man I must admit I also subscribe to that thinking because quite frankly there's no making up your mind. There's no sound decision over what mood you're in for as little as 2 minutes let alone an entire half hour! I have lots of female friends and it's the same issue with all of them, mood changes are as often as the shoes they supposedly "have to have." If a woman were to be a man for even a day, this would be the first most obvious thing she would see in other women what men see everyday. Ladies while we understand that you're emotional beings, that doesn't mean that you have full license, carte blanche to continually change your moods for the slightest adjustment in the day! The real stress for men is that most of the so called stressors are petty minded issues like "what some other chic said about you that you heard from a friend" or "what the woman from down the street was wearing that looked like one you have home." I have not met the man who can make sense over why women change moods more than underwear, so all we can do is play on them to our advantage as much as possible. It's far easier to learn to manipulate of a woman's emotions than attempt to comprehend the insane complexities how they work.
Now onto question 2, what a man really wants from a woman. Sadly this varies from man to man and is heavily dependent on the stage of life the man is at. Younger men are usually much more daring and unwilling to settle, they're hungry for new experiences and unless raised in a very strict traditional home where such cravings are forbidden by the elders. Younger men who crave such adventures are usually between the ages of 17 to 30, but something interesting happens at about the age of 23 and onwards, men start getting hintings of settling down with families. These hints all depend on the amount the man has experienced by that age and how much more he wants to experience. If women would take the time to find out about these experiences then that would give them a very clear indicator as to what that particular man wants from a woman. Now in addition to those experiences a woman must consider the financial standing of a man, the more the man has accomplished the more he wants to settle generally speaking. Settled men are easier to get along with as they're less demanding and much more focused on the woman than on their careers or attaining possessions. These men are however, much neater and much more mature in their thinking so a girl who parties alot is not inclined to tickle the fancy of such a man. There's also the education factor to consider, higher educated young men actually take longer to settle than men who are less formally educated but are less likely to commit infidelity in a relationship based on the level of their experiences.
As for the last question why men can't understand what women really want, well that stems from the woman not giving the impression that she knows what she really wants. Mixed signals and messages are a seeming must in order to be a woman. Men receive a myriad of messages from women on just a single topic and all at once so it's almost impossible to make sense of what the woman really wants. Most men do not even bother taking the time to understand these messages and as such come across as uncaring and inconsiderate of the needs of the woman but truth be told women are the sole cause of this misunderstanding. It is very rare to see a woman who is confident and sure of what she wants and even rarer to meet one who isn't below the age of 65. Like men, women go through various stages but the process is so much more complicated with women that they revert to previous stages in their lives whilst men can only go forward. Ladies if you want a man to know what you really want then I strongly suggest you start by knowing what you want first.
At the end of the day it comes down to communication between the opposite sexes. Men are notorious for their failing communication skills whilst women are infamous for indecision in communication. These two obstacles have long been the main hurdles to stable relationships and have led to infidelity, destruction, emotional distress, etc.
Better than that people

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