Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Good One

You've heard about them, the Mr. Right, Mrs. Right, Prince Charming, etc. but do you know that these people actually exist and there are times we get them and discard them like yesterday's garbage? How many times have you had someone who was pushing to see you do better, took the time to attend to your every need, considered you above there own well being, and the list goes on and yet still all you could think of was how nagging this person was and when they would leave? What about the many times you had that one person who would wait on you hand and foot despite all that you have done to them and you reward them with arrogance and stress? The truth of the matter is that at some point in time we are all guilty of such actions and whether you accept it or not, it's your fault that you're unhappy! Most people will agree that men more than women are guilty of such behaviour with the majority of victims being women.

To the men of the world, it's no secret that we all have varying needs and wants from women and there are times we are guilty of being as indecisive about love as we accuse the women we meet of doing. A good woman is defined differently by each man so I can't say there's any one kind of good woman, however, at a point in time in life we do meet that woman who meets our criteria and then we mess up by cheating, abusing, ignoring, contradicting and destroying them. If that isn't bad enough, we do them worst by imposing our "macho" will on them and when they leave we're most upset and quickest to point the finger of blame at them. That very finger that we point has a thumb that's pointing right back at us and it's nothing further from the truth. Every man would like to have that perfect body woman who does everything that we would like them to do to and for us, but just like us women come in all shapes and sizes and should be appreciated as they are. There's no point in complaining of how ridiculously petty women are and how much they gossip because you know what, men gossip just as bad and sometimes worst. You really think those nights out with the boys talking about who does what and who's with who isn't gossiping? Get real and get a life because that's exactly what it is! So there's more proof that you're just as bad as the women you complain about and in some cases worst! So now that you know you're a no good, lying, cheating, gossiping sissy, do yourself a favour and treat those women with respect and dignity, it'll save you a lot of stress in the long run.

Don't you ladies think that you're escaping this, because as bad as men can be, honestly speaking I've witnessed women do far worst and stoop far lower. Dear women of this earth, tell me why would you think that you have to sell your bodies, deceive men, destroy young ones, seduce other women, destroy the homes of other women, etc just to get the attention of a man? It's saddening to see what the modern woman has become and on this International Women's Day, it's really shameful to see that after all the hype and talk about women on the move and the evolution of society, we've graduated to the very same level we were eons ago in the age of Sodom and Gomorrah. You're no better than the men whom you publicly denounced as unjust and prejudiced, no smarter than the men you labelled dummies and incompetent, no more progressive than the men you called archaic and obsolete. Most women especially feminist will deny these facts and label them as derogatory accusations but think about it, the very existence of feminists lends to my points. Feminists are women who exists for the soul purpose of promoting and endorsing the power of women, men have clubs, circles, lodges, etc that do the exact same thing. Just as with the paragraph about men, women you too are very guilty of meeting the perfect match for you, only for you to screw it up over some insanely frivolous reasons. More than men, you're superficial and very materialistic in most cases, your focus is almost always on what you can get versus what you can give. If that sounds familiar it's because you accuse men of doing. There's no point to complaining of the evil that men do and then turn around and do the exact same thing! That's not even an eye for an eye, that's stupidity to the highest. You complain that the perfect man doesn't exist and that is true because what makes a perfect man is different to every woman, but what happens when you do meet that man who meets your criteria and you discard him for the chase of another whom you think is the man of your dreams? That's right once again you're thinking like a man and don't even know it, look back in your life on how many of those "friends" who would give anything to be with you, the "friends" who saw you through good and bad and ensured that you always came first but were cast aside for reasons that you alone can justify. Can't find a perfect man after that? Well that was because you had him and let him leave so tough, you're still thinking like a man just in case you're not keeping track. So you don't understand men, here's a clue men don't understand you either so if nobody speaks then there's no understanding. Communication isn't a man problem only, it's a people problem and truth be told women are the majority of the guilty parties with that. So now that you know you're a lying, poor communicating, stubborn, jackass do yourself a favour and treat the men you meet with respect and dignity. Don't try to destroy them or abuse them and they won't have reason to do you the same.

When it comes to men versus women, there's no lesser of the two evils, there's no rock and hard place, there's only one species of human race that needs to remember who created us and why.
Better than that people

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