Saturday, December 11, 2010

Strength and Courage

Sometimes the road is hard, things seem as if they'll never go your way! Questions circle your head asking if you've made the right decision creating doubt no matter which direction you go,but deep inside you know you're strong, if you follow your heart you can't be wrong. Stand up for what is right, be brave and get ready to fight, hold on to your true friends throughout your life, these are phrases that have been repeated in many forms and fashions, from religious interpretations to philosophical understanding, all will agree that it is via these phrases the average human grows and evolves.

In order to know that you're strong enough to make it begins with a little thing called faith. Faith is what allows the best of us to be who we are really, if you doubt me then let me take you on a journey through time to some of the greatest minds that ever graced the earth. King Solomon and his father the legendary King David, both men are beyond immortal in their accomplishments on this earth, these feats were only bested by their faith in god. From slaying giants to building impossible palaces and sharing widespread wisdom that is relevant even to this day, these men have done it all. The thing is that even they had their moments of doubt where they had to turn to their faith in god in order to accomplish all that they needed to do. So there's your first and foremost answer to life's questions, faith in god! Admittedly even I didn't understand what that fully meant until recently when I was reminded that to not have faith in god's ability to deliver is to question his very existence and you wouldn't want to do that now would you? Of course not, that's blaspheme so make sure you understand that faith in Jesus and all that his great power is capable of is mandatory to overcoming any situation. After that it's important to have a plan of action, feel free to pray about this as sometimes we must ask before we know where we have to go, no point in going on a road trip without a map! You are as blessed as anyone who has ever existed and carry the power of the almighty within you to control and manipulate all that is before you, so how come with all that power you're doubting that you can raise a child dear friend? Yes liz this is specifically for you as I honestly believe that for someone as powerful and blessed as yourself, you carry that pharisee spirit of doubt and despair! It's called a pharisee spirit because these were what the pharisees of old time used to turn support away from Jesus himself! Please understand that you've not only received a blessing dear, you've been given an opportunity, you're now charged with raising a new warrior in the fight against evil and it is your job to lead by example as to how it should be done.

Circumstances exist so that we can be moulded to be the people that Christ purposed us to be serving his will! To highlight this, pay attention to the following parable I once read about; a father weary of his daughter's complaints about how tough life was put three (3) pots of water to boil and placed the following items in each pot, a carrot, an egg and some coffee beans. The daughter now curious questioned the purpose of the father's exercise but he told her to be patient, 20 minutes later, he turned off the fire for all 3 pots and asked the daughter to taste the carrot, she loved them, they were soft and tasty, next he asked her to crack the egg, this she also did and loved the newly hard boiled egg below the shell, lastly she tasted the coffee at her father's request, she fell in love with the aroma alone and readily drank a cup. Once more she questioned the purpose of the exercise to which the father responded, life is like a pot of boiling water which we all must be placed in to be prepared properly, some people are like carrots which start out hard and solid but after being boiled become tender and soft, wilting under the heat, some people are like eggs, initially seen as having a soft inside and overly fragile, they become hard and lacking substance, but some are like coffee beans who when boiled turn the water into something so tasty that the whole world loves them and enjoys the fruits of their labour.

The question is my dear, which one are you sugar?
Beware the Earthbound Immortal Timidus

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