It's a word used to describe a situation that is so sad and unnecessary that it's a complete waste of time to even describe why such a situation or event could take place. This word also applies to people as well, and lately it applies to a lot of people walking this planet. For several moons I have written about the Earthbound Immortals that plague mankind and how they can turn us from people to demons with minimal effort. My very own eyes and experiences have been witness to what can only be described as the unfortunate behaviour of human beings created to serve god and love one another turn on each other like animals in the wild. To fully highlight just how bad the situation has become, imagine a scene from National Geographic where hyenas feed on each other for survival and you'll begin to get an idea as to how horrible human beings actually behave in today's world. For many years we've all seen someone who's behaviour can only be described as inhumane perpetrate acts so horrendous that the imagination is left in shambles that such ideas can even be conceived. The sad part is though that these monsters aren't limited to the Idi Amins and Adolf Hitlers who destroyed the lives of many with their versions of Armageddon, it's those who are far worse, like the modern day tribes who claim equality but persecute the less fortunate for their own gains and gratification, the neatly dressed warlords who destroy the lives of billions with the click of a button, the devil's dressed in white with plastic halos who claim to save but rape and molest the innocence of the young without conscience. Those are the people who really make the world as dangerous as it is today, they wear masks of righteousness but demolish more than every single world war put together, they are the ones who have teeth sharper than dragons but speak with the voice of a child and they walk among us daily!
For the really unprepared, this may seem exaggerated so let me paint a simpler picture for you, imagine you just started a new job and during your probation, you find yourself the victim of a supervisor who for no explicable reason insists that your a problem to them and set out to have you fired. If you think such situations don't exist you're either part of the problem or are too young to see the worst in humans. Sadly though such people do exist, they're the ones who are enveloped by envy and jealousy, greed and self glorification, they don't care who you are but as long as you appear to be a threat to their very ideals you're the enemy and they're out to destroy you. These people make up nearly half of the planet and come in all forms and shapes, another good example of their behaviour are the people who we daily here about sending emails and messages of all sorts for worthy donations in the name of humanity but only keep your generosity for their own leisure and deny those who really need the support that they need to even survive. If you're the kind of person who thinks that this is the only way to live then unfortunately you are one of the evil ones and your day of reckoning is on the way.
The worst part about these unfortunate individuals is that they are CONVINCED that how they live is not only correct but that others should live like them so long as it doesn't affect their own miserable and unfulfilled lifestyles. It's even sadder that these people hope to understand why they can only go so far in life and no further! What really boggles my brain though is that they ACTUALLY try to convince others that living a self less lifestyle is considered weak and improper!! What kind of demons would even think of something like that? It's one thing to develop yourself and grow in your life, but to prosper at the expense of others is unethical, unholy, ill mannered, distasteful, inconceivable, etc. I know of no religion or faith that promotes, supports, suggests, implies in any form, fashion or manner that this kind of progress is even tolerable much less condoned.
This is to all the people who choose to live right via kindness and goodwill and above all love toward their fellow man, keep up the good work for this was the way our lord intended for us to live!! As for the rest of you unscrupulous, unholy, inconceivably diabolical, unintelligent lifeforms from another universe of scrap, get a life and get far behind me minions of satan!! I refuse to bow to the so called power of the earthbound immortal Malum
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Goals and Achievements
"I know my limitations and if i aim too high i will lose sight of only pleasing myself," this was a line a friend of mine hit me with when I asked about her ambitions. I found it very curious as she's not only intelligent but also very ingenious, needless to say I had to have her explain her statement. Now to be fair, I did ask her about attaining a Nobel Peace Prize one day for a discovery or re-discovery of epic proportions. Still though I questioned the meaning of the statement on a deeper level (as I'm prone to doing) and my mind is racing as I write this minute.
My first thought was "if I aim too high" I have to admit I will forever have problems grasping this concept as I do not believe in aiming too high on any level, so needless to say, I'm baffled. A further look however tells a different story, the last part is where the real story lies as she clearly states that she doesn't want to lose sight of her main goal which is to please herself. This was the clincher for me really and the part that really illuminated the meaning that I grasped from her statement. Long ago I learned that for some people, it is easier to see what they will become rather than how they can adjust themselves to be a particular situation, simply put for some individuals, the outcome is easier to accept than than the means to adjust who they can be. For some, following a particular path will surely lead to an ending that has consequences so dreaded for that individual that they would prefer not to move at all, while for others, the path is but a means to the end and the consequences of such a path is but a small price to pay in the quest for fulfillment. So you're still not sure as to what I speak of? Well let me give you an example: A nineteen (19) year old is considering taking up studies abroad in Mass Communications, while he's amazing socially and has a tenacity that most professionals within the industry would class as intimidating, he himself sees his potential as a tool that may be unfortunately exploited and abused to destroy the reputations of targeted individuals by whosoever his employers maybe. This may seem far fetched for some, but thinking long term is crucial to understanding what you really want out of life. His experiences and his eyes reveal to him what the practices and norms are in the present day, a simple glance into the future based on such standards reveals a grim outlook with an even bleaker prospect of things changing. So he decides to not pursue his ambition to the level that he will suffer such exploitation and limit his career to a level where he can perform but not within the confines of the foreseen destruction. It goes right back to my very said same friend who said that "if I aim too high I will lose sight of pleasing myself."
How will you define the limits of your goals and aspirations? It's simple really, all you have to do is be honest with yourself. Do you really think that what's important to you now will matter even three years into the future? Is it possible that your current lifestyle will allow you to maintain your future ambitions? How much are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve your ultimate dream? Most importantly is that dream in correspondence to the will of god? These simple questions are extremely difficult to answer if we're not completely honest with ourselves and lack the maturity to accept true self criticism. Blaming the structure of a system for one's inability to succeed is ridiculous and immature, for as oppressive as a system maybe, true character and strength of faith and spirit allows one to be innovative enough to overcome such obstacles. There is absolutely no excuse for failure other than self destruction, if you convince yourself that you can't make it then I'm sorry but you won't. Let's be honest with ourselves, even if an opportunity did fall into your lap for you to rise to the occasion, you wouldn't have the strength of mind to even make the few sacrifices involved to get to the next level, and it's all because you set yourself up for failure long before you even got started.
There's no right or wrong way to get what you need, even if you steal, it's considered humanitarian to steal in the name of doing good and surviving for a living according to our failed legal system that allows criminals to walk free as a gesture of understanding how hard some of us live. Given that we have this much liberty to operate somebody explain to me how can you not know your limitations and work towards them?
My first thought was "if I aim too high" I have to admit I will forever have problems grasping this concept as I do not believe in aiming too high on any level, so needless to say, I'm baffled. A further look however tells a different story, the last part is where the real story lies as she clearly states that she doesn't want to lose sight of her main goal which is to please herself. This was the clincher for me really and the part that really illuminated the meaning that I grasped from her statement. Long ago I learned that for some people, it is easier to see what they will become rather than how they can adjust themselves to be a particular situation, simply put for some individuals, the outcome is easier to accept than than the means to adjust who they can be. For some, following a particular path will surely lead to an ending that has consequences so dreaded for that individual that they would prefer not to move at all, while for others, the path is but a means to the end and the consequences of such a path is but a small price to pay in the quest for fulfillment. So you're still not sure as to what I speak of? Well let me give you an example: A nineteen (19) year old is considering taking up studies abroad in Mass Communications, while he's amazing socially and has a tenacity that most professionals within the industry would class as intimidating, he himself sees his potential as a tool that may be unfortunately exploited and abused to destroy the reputations of targeted individuals by whosoever his employers maybe. This may seem far fetched for some, but thinking long term is crucial to understanding what you really want out of life. His experiences and his eyes reveal to him what the practices and norms are in the present day, a simple glance into the future based on such standards reveals a grim outlook with an even bleaker prospect of things changing. So he decides to not pursue his ambition to the level that he will suffer such exploitation and limit his career to a level where he can perform but not within the confines of the foreseen destruction. It goes right back to my very said same friend who said that "if I aim too high I will lose sight of pleasing myself."
How will you define the limits of your goals and aspirations? It's simple really, all you have to do is be honest with yourself. Do you really think that what's important to you now will matter even three years into the future? Is it possible that your current lifestyle will allow you to maintain your future ambitions? How much are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve your ultimate dream? Most importantly is that dream in correspondence to the will of god? These simple questions are extremely difficult to answer if we're not completely honest with ourselves and lack the maturity to accept true self criticism. Blaming the structure of a system for one's inability to succeed is ridiculous and immature, for as oppressive as a system maybe, true character and strength of faith and spirit allows one to be innovative enough to overcome such obstacles. There is absolutely no excuse for failure other than self destruction, if you convince yourself that you can't make it then I'm sorry but you won't. Let's be honest with ourselves, even if an opportunity did fall into your lap for you to rise to the occasion, you wouldn't have the strength of mind to even make the few sacrifices involved to get to the next level, and it's all because you set yourself up for failure long before you even got started.
There's no right or wrong way to get what you need, even if you steal, it's considered humanitarian to steal in the name of doing good and surviving for a living according to our failed legal system that allows criminals to walk free as a gesture of understanding how hard some of us live. Given that we have this much liberty to operate somebody explain to me how can you not know your limitations and work towards them?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Deja vu
It's funny how life throws you in a circle to teach lessons, things that constantly happen because you never learned how to deal with it in the first place. The thing is though, learning to learn lessons is the first step, so until you learn how to learn a lesson and to be able to see the lesson that you're supposed to learn, you can't go anywhere. How sad it is that in order for us to progress truly in life we must learn how to learn.
Deja vu is considered by many to be an experience that took place before it actually happened. While that definition puts it in the bracket of a premonition, it's quite different. It's where a situation so closely resembles another, it feels like you're walking through the exact same path as in a previous experience. This situation only develops when you haven't learned your lessons. Currently I'm in such a situation, where I find myself repeating an exact course I took several moons ago. I find myself making the exact same decisions for the same reasons, with the same risks and the same consequences. If I ever wondered what deja vu really felt like, I'm living it. The question is though, what am I really supposed to learn from all of this? I realize that the way things are right now is not working in my best interest and is actually setting me on a very similar path to destruction in life. Seeing something like that is not an easy thing to face, to be honest it's down right scary and haunts me nearly every night like a recurring nightmare. Try as I might to deny that the drama is real, I know that one day I'll have to face it head on, but for now I'm not sure how to or what i'm even facing! Let me come right out and be honest, I'm thinking of what to do with my current relationship. As always things started off all happy and merry with dreams of a two storey house with a white picket fence and two dogs, but as I've learnt in life, dreams only come true with prayer and diligence, commitment and evolution and most of all compromise. Honestly speaking, most of these factors are missing from this relationship as it stands and I'm deciding if to continue to fight and try to save it just like last time or if to cut my losses short and keep moving. Past experience has taught me that when faced with these situations, it's best to keep moving and not worry about any other factors.
Looking back is always risky as it sometimes blinds you from the blessings to come, but then again, not looking back is also detrimental as it prevents you from seeing the lessons to be learned. It takes you back to past pains and unwanted experiences that may discourage you from taking a new path due to past consequences. The core question then becomes, what is the lesson that you're supposed to learn? In my case that learning point is that in order to help myself and achieve my goals, sacrifices of tremendous proportions are required. I wanted to be a global traveller, an international soldier, but that requires that I have somebody who supports that dream. For years I've been forced to give up my own ambitions to settle for those of another, but I've never had my own dreams supported. I've often wondered how is it that people can say I'm there for you but only on my terms, and then try to convince you that they really are being there for me. It's completely frustrating to think that after all this struggle to get this far in life, I'd have to give it all up just to please some other individual who does not share my ideals. I often like to think that some where out there someone exists who understands my calling in life. My dreams and ambitions seem to be far above everyone I encounter and it's absolutely frustrating, after all these years I'm still encountering people who are limited in their thinking.
The hardest part to swallow is that I'm left confused and wondering if I made the right decision to follow my own path. History has shown that everytime I walk the path of another, the consequences are dire on my end, I'm left with nothing and the rebuilding process is excruciating by any stretch of the imagination. Admittedly it's a process that I've had to repeat for some years now and I'm feeling that it's part of the reason my life feels unfulfilled. The lifestyle that I'm capable of living and competent to achieve is hampered by my own unwillingness to follow through on my dreams and plans all for the sake of being with someone supposedly special. I've spent my lifetime thus far working to ensure that I do not repeat the mistakes of my parents and here it is I'm running into women who are asking me to do just that. How can you ask for a family life and have no foundation to support such? How can you meet me wanting to live above the average family but then ask me to remove that thinking and settle for less? I fully understand that some people aspire to an average lifestyle as it's comfortable for them, not too many responsibilities, a relatively secure income with an average paying job, but that's not me! It's unacceptable for me to refuse responsibility that comes with a big pay day. I've lived my life towards the big picture and I'm having great difficulty coping with excessive mediocrity and the people who try to make me be a part of it!!
As tough as it seems I must be able to move forward with or without you, if you really cared for me you would support my dreams as I've supported yours, i.e. without compromise and in your best interests. It's very unfair for anything less to be allowed and it's a shame that you of all people would even tolerate such slackness much less encourage me to be in it! It's so rotten to lie to people about most things in life, but when it comes to really important matters like life choices I have long ago drawn a big fat line there! Once I allowed a woman to get between me and my dreams and I'm still paying a heavy price for that, how can u now come and ask me to make the same decision that nearly ruined my life?? Have you so little consideration for my life that you would prefer to see me fall than see me soar? Is it so much what you want that it would kill you to support my own ambitions even for a second? Are you so consumed with what you know and you want that I'm only relevant when I have a different opinion? How dare you take it upon yourself to dictate where and how I should live because you think that my dreams are too lofty to achieve! If you want to be average then I strongly suggest you NOT include me in your plans because average was never me and it NEVER will be!!
I've really tried for you to understand what I'm about and unfortunately you tried to make me into who you wanted me to be, this isn't love of any kind but slavery to it's truest meaning. It's my own fault though because I really believed you loved me for me and led myself down this very said road I've been avoiding for so long. The old saying that others know your weaknesses better than you do is true, for you knew mine and you gave me deja vu.
As tough as it seems I must be able to move forward with or without you, if you really cared for me you would support my dreams as I've supported yours, i.e. without compromise and in your best interests. It's very unfair for anything less to be allowed and it's a shame that you of all people would even tolerate such slackness much less encourage me to be in it! It's so rotten to lie to people about most things in life, but when it comes to really important matters like life choices I have long ago drawn a big fat line there! Once I allowed a woman to get between me and my dreams and I'm still paying a heavy price for that, how can u now come and ask me to make the same decision that nearly ruined my life?? Have you so little consideration for my life that you would prefer to see me fall than see me soar? Is it so much what you want that it would kill you to support my own ambitions even for a second? Are you so consumed with what you know and you want that I'm only relevant when I have a different opinion? How dare you take it upon yourself to dictate where and how I should live because you think that my dreams are too lofty to achieve! If you want to be average then I strongly suggest you NOT include me in your plans because average was never me and it NEVER will be!!
I've really tried for you to understand what I'm about and unfortunately you tried to make me into who you wanted me to be, this isn't love of any kind but slavery to it's truest meaning. It's my own fault though because I really believed you loved me for me and led myself down this very said road I've been avoiding for so long. The old saying that others know your weaknesses better than you do is true, for you knew mine and you gave me deja vu.
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