Sunday, July 27, 2014

Ashes to Ashes

Quiet nights these eyes often seek, a peaceful soul you yearn to keep. Birthed in humility, raised in country bliss, an untamed spirit got planted in the depths of conformity and acceptance. Forced to sacrifice joy for semblance of sanity, many nights the tears soak pillows and sheets, weep after weep, week after week, no escape seems in sight for me.

I wonder daily how these two footed robots fail to feel, fail to imagine, fail to dream. They go about their routine with mechanical ease, drowning in routine and constant monotony. There was a time I could look at the skies and feel the winds of tomorrow clearing the clouds so I can see the stars, each star I wished on and prayed that I would see double the days that I counted. For a while there was bliss, for a while nothing hissed, for a while there was nothing but the Caribbean breeze under the shade of a broad palm leaf.

Concrete is the box I call home, even the mosquitoes are afraid of this desolation. The iron and glass prisons offer no magnificence to even gently tickle my imagination. My chains are heavy, my tears are plenty, my cries deafeningly silent as the master whips his slave calling me to work on this godforsaken plantation. No longer do the winds of tomorrow show me the stars to count my days, they don't even dance on my hair and cheeks and ask me to play.

Someday I will be free, someday I will smile with glee, someday I will walk amongst the playful winds of tomorrow's bright promise. And as each night falls and the burning pains of the day pass away, quietly I fall on my knees and pray, father don't forget me, you promised me that you will always protect me! You promised me that you will never leave me, you promised me that you will always be close to my heart so please don't leave me! This place is so scary and I feel so alone, even a hug from you will light my dimming eyes up just one more time so I can dream of a tropical sunrise where I can truly be ashes to ashes, servant to servant, angel to angel.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Society truths

Sometimes I meet people and I try my best to understand who they are as individuals but it ends up back firing. I always find with those people they're very distrusting of themselves due to their inability to properly mask their insecurities. Some go so far as to hide behind ideals and concepts as a fortress of justification in the name of covering their very exposed weaknesses.

Well to you people I can only say that not only do I see you but the world sees you. We all see how childish and petty you are, we all see your frailties, your fears, your tears, we see the nightmares and we see that you caused them all. A connection with someone is based on communication but if you refuse to share in that communication then who gonna take you seriously?? Without that communication no one will know what you really have to offer because no one will waste time attempting to see past all your very visible flaws in the name of interest alone. All that leaves is your vessel which in itself isn't a coveted prize because there's no substance in the vessel to be seen. Then you turn and complain that you been used and abused by the world and that its so cold and cruel but what have you done about it? Where in the equation did you set the standard for who you are and what you expect? Don't you know that how you interact with others shows the standard you're willing to accept? So if there is no standard then how can you claim to want any?

Something people do not realize, when you try to build a fortress to shield yourself away from the world you actually expose all your precious secrets because they're only cages that we can see right through so no one is interested in helping them get free of their master. That's the equivalent of bleeding from the stomach but covering it with a sheet and saying you're not in distress. Well when the world doesn't want to help you don't say it's the world's fault, man up, be honest and confess that you yourself are to blame with your cowardly spineless ways. The fighting spirit of humanity is most definitely lacking in the likes of you. Thankfully just like a cockroach if you threaten to step on it alone you too will runaway from anyone looking like they coming to stamp out your pains because you're too busy holding on to them. #patheticinfidels

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fact or Theory

It's a struggle today being a parent, children are exposed to more and more to concepts and follies far above their developing intellect. Society demands that children grow up faster and develop adult minds early in their teen years. From the images on the television to the mainstream music played on radios, the subliminal messages are everywhere and in overwhelming amounts! Even as adults we are pressured to quickly understand and manage the all the new information that is supposedly based on facts developed by scientists who have spent years proving their theories. Here's the problem, most humans are not aware that science of any nature isn't concrete facts. Its actually a study of observations and emotional thought to prove them as a basis for facts. For example, behavioural sciences are meant to study the complexities of the human mind by making a map print of similar traits and/or patterns in human behaviour to then develop a hypothesis based on that pattern which people now take as facts! Anatomical science is the study of living bodies to identify the functions and purpose of each part in depth to provide q base platform for healing and development. Here's the problem, this to is a bunch of hypotheses and theories as the human body has continued to baffle the logic of scientists with its seemingly limitless capabilities as more and more people are stepping forward with what is called "unique abilities". Science is not fact! It is not concrete evidence of anything and therefore does not constitute as a valid source of information to ingest. I'm not here to disprove the accomplishments of science, even the very phone I'm using to print this message is based on science. What I am saying is that people need to learn to identify correct sources of information before running around quoting everything and everyone!

Also to bear in mind is our evolutionary process as human beings. Everyday new information is revealed and foundations are shifted because of it. However we ought to note that these foundations aren't sturdy to begin with, like the concept of the beginning of life by science and their big bang theory or the sudden disappearance of dinosaurs by some great meteor! All wild imaginary ideas even a child could drum up but yet to be proven!! The religious folks will think they have won in that all their evidence is proven. Well I have news for you morons too, your teachings are not only shaky but greatly manipulated by the inaccurate interpretations of man! Your no different to the scientists who you  wage war against!! I remember a pastor saying that one cannot achieve growth without planting a seed, all well and good but what is this seed? His interpretation? Money!! Here's the problem, yes it is true that by logic no plant can grow without a seed but to say that seed is money alone and that if you give more money then you shall receive more blessings is folly!! Seed is a source and therefore is not limited to money you greedy ass dumb fuck! How is it I can pass crucial exams by giving you more money? How can I get that job by giving you more money? How can I acquire a loan by giving you more money? Money is not seed!! I can only speak

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Ode to You

I think long and hard about you many days, wondering who you are and when I will meet you. There have been many illusions before and to be honest I'm unsure I'm still ready to meet you but I'm pushing harder to be ready.

This world is a dark place however and sadly it's getting darker by the day as evil grows and heroes fall with their lights fading away one by one. I still pray that I will meet you one day and we can have a life together in what may not be the ideal paradise but we can make it one. Our lights can shine brightly together paving the way for what will be a glorious rainbow shining over the horizon. I'm not sure what you will look like or what I'm gonna meet you with but I will try my best with all that I have to be the man you imagined me to be. You may be older or you may be younger or you may even be from my past, whoever you are I look forward to meeting you someday. Life is actually very beautiful when you remove the dramatic and unproductive as well as the discontented and agitating. I've seen what a sample of harmony is in a true relationship and I won't lie, it is amazing to say the least! Many days I've spent in bliss wondering what happiness awaits next, and truthfully it has been some of the simplest things that brought me so much joy, such as random hugs, unexpected compliments and spur of the moment kisses. Might seem silly but to me these things make so much sense, it brings me much comfort and joy and I hope that it brings you the same feelings for I have many to give.

Maybe I'm hoping for too much or maybe I'm stuck in a hopeless fantasy, these are things the world would like me to believe but I've never been a man of the world nor a fan of it's ideals. I believe in unrestricted love, unconditional passion and above all else blind love! I don't ever believe that anything ought to be held back between true friends because I believe lovers are true friends and true friends have an inseparable bond. The security of that bond is a feeling I cannot even begin to describe, I've experienced it and the thrill of such affection was enough to send me wild. Made me do lots of things that to this day I have never replicated!! Sad is the day I had to give up such connections but I can tell you I know what they feel like and I know I'm willing to make that connection once again. I hope our bond is even stronger than those from before, I pray that our friendship is even more enjoyable than those before, I dream daily that our trust is even greater than those before. Neither of us are perfect but that's what learning is about, to teach us how to be beautifully perfect for each other in peaceful bliss.

Someday we'll meet, someday we'll greet but until that day I'll be faithfully waiting for you, because even now I already know nothing compares to your heavenly blessing…………………………………