Sunday, January 23, 2011

Divide and Conquer

The old adage that the individual is smart but the crowd is dumb holds as much merit today as it did when it was first used. In my many travels I have long seen the many examples of how one person can manipulate an entire mob into his thinking with nothing more than a few well placed words. He who travels alone travels in wisdom for he is uninfluenced by the thoughts of the confused, this is something my late grandmother once said to me and it is only now I can truly understand what she meant by that statement. In my lifetime I have seen how even my own mind can be swayed so easily by the force of a crowd, but it is only in recent times have I been able to see and be the person who influences the ebb and flow of the audience that I once sought after with such vigor.

Influencing the minds of many simply boils down to controlling a few actually, tacticians call it divide and conquer. The process is simple yet complicated, it requires that the stronger minds be separated from the weaker ones so the required controlling mental mechanisms can be placed, but therein lies the problem, how do you identify the stronger minds from the frail ones? That requires either a socially versed individual or a trained psychologist! Those of us who can differentiate however, will find that with some well chosen words people can be whipped into a frenzy over anything and everything! I've found it intriguing that in my last couple of encounters with people, I have been able to turn them against their own foundation values with some well placed stories and by turning some of their own against them! These people were staunch supporters of their cause and by simply having one or two of their kind turned against them they crumbled under the supposed pressure! So you think this can't happen to you? I have news for you my friend, it's probably happened more times than you can count. The process begins with an idea in the mind of someone, let's say a political motive for instance, so a candidate wants to convert supporters to his party in order to win his seat. The candidate's first objective is to find the weaker minds in the support base of his competition and steal from there. In the case of the candidate he will need to identify what drives the support of his opponent and work from there, finding the source of the support often leads to identifying loop holes in the system and thus exposing vulnerable targets. Some candidates may choose the other option which is to identify leading members and control those people and then take the support through peer pressure. Deciding which approach to take is always key to being effective in your job, for if you choose the wrong approach then like the candidate you'll be exposed for your trickery and ultimately shut down by the very masses you aimed to control.

The other part to effective division is to ensure that when the division is formed, to ensure that you continue to divide the groups until they end up in small and easily manageable tribes that you can enslave with your mental superiority. Once this is done rebuild the groups that you have conquered to overwhelm those that you haven't and the end product is ultimate victory. It should be noted that utilising this means of winning people is considered tyrannic and somewhat immoral by society, but then again what does society know? So you can use this method or the softer and more sinister approach of identifying the needy amongst the support base. I myself have used this method time and time again and I actually have a 95% success record. Identifying the needy in the group is easier done than said, needy people are as easy to read as the West Indian First Edition. They are the quietest ones in the group and possess the least amount of confidence for the given situation. These people are easily manipulated by basic signs of someone assissting with their situation and can be easily swayed toward moving the rest of the crowd. This approach does have a drawback though, it requires that there are enough needy people to sway the masses and that their situations are dire enough to ensure that the mission is accomplished.

Yes I've showed you how to spot weaklings so ask yourself are you the person that someone like me maybe targetting? If so I suggest you do some work on yourself

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