Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The question of whether leaders are born or made, is constantly debated by many scholars and theorists around the globe for one simple reason, no one can agree on what makes a great leader. many examples of the successes and failures of leaders of iconic leaders of all types from the peaceful yet powerful Mahatma Ghandi, who taught that violence is not necessarily the price of freedom and democracy, to Adolf Hitler who proved that force is necessary in order to raise awareness.

Personally I believe that leaders are defined by their environments, I believe that leaders aren't born but molded from their ability to utilize their environment to their advantage. It is often the person who does this best who is then recognized by their peers as the leader, as they are seen as the example by which others must emulate in some form or manner. Over the years I've seen and experienced various forms of leadership qualities, from charismatic personalities, to brute force and sheer experience. Each was utilized in various environments and was successful because the environment demanded that this approach be taken in order for the success of the mission. It's the same with the varying personalities of all people, each is shaped based on the environment that it is steeped in and is in most cases unable to be adjusted due to an inability by the individual to make any adjustments.

Varying backgrounds aren't the only factor in defining personality though, there is also the elder contribution to consider. Personally being influenced by my elders, in particular my grandmother, I fully appreciate the guidance and knowledge that older folks can impart and the effects it may have on people, especially younger ones. In reference to the legendary Al Capone and Adolf Hitler, both were influenced by elders to rise to become world infamous villains. Both men were humble individuals with the potential to become great leaders, but because of their poor background and negative influence they instead became terrors of the world. The human mind is prone to impression and influence and is usually the most under developed function in the entire human body.

With light and reference given to these two fundamental factors of human definition, it is easier to behold how people can be amazingly similar and starkly opposite all in the same sentence. The last factor to consider is the personal opinion of an individual based on their experiences. The above two factors heavily influence this third consideration even though it has a definition all to itself. Similar experiences can be interpreted differently by varying individuals, the depth and perception of the interpretation is heavily dependent on the dominating personality traits of an individual. For example, an individual who is predominantly bold and aggressive will rebel in a situation where they lack control and will attempt to monopolize a situation by any means necessary, in contrast to a predominantly charismatic person who even though may share similar bold traits will find it easier to influence a situation without the need to assume control or become autocratic.

It is important to appreciate that these differences are key to establishing proper relations in and out of the work place. These extreme personalities are not only abundant but essential to the continuous growth of any business whether it be global or just on the corner! Sadly though, we are usually intolerable of these differences and consequently that lack of basic tolerance is the leading cause of mass catastrophes in any environment as personal dislikes and shortened emotional borders reduce the individual's ability to understand that differences in each of us is what makes us unique as a species. We have the ability to be similarly built but individually created for multiple purposes and to handle monumental tasks! There is no other species of animal on the entire earth that comes remotely close.
True leaders will always prove to be those that can rise to the occasion whether formality exists or not. They are defined as movers and shakers that have lasting effects whether positive or negative....................................................................................................................................................................

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