Thursday, August 18, 2016


So I'm back here again, reunited with you my friend, a lot has happened these last few months, time to update and keep it moving. This year I finally ad the courage to let go of an amalgamated, I know that department is my baby but thats a lie I've been telling myself for too long now. Had I put that much effort into starting my own business, I'd probably be richer than the Syrian himself! Well that leads me to update #2, I did start a business or rather I walked into one with an old friend of mine, the start is shaky but we're getting wiser everyday and learning more. First lesson we learned is to hold on to our good clients and treat them well, we won't be anywhere without them and I need to remember that all the way on this ride.
It's not been smooth sailing but Im taking the bumps as I go along, got plenty to sacrifice but hopefully in the end the rewards will be worth it. Some of my old demons are back too, still have ex girlfriends and this crazy chic who I let trick me into being around this child til now she constantly uses the child to be near me. Tonight I told her off but she won't stop so maybe I need to disappoint her with some limp dick and hope it works like it worked on the rest. Other than that it's not been too bad, I'm still suspicious of this new girl Natasha because I'm beginning to think this is Tanisha all over again and it's bothering me. She is nice and nice to look at but she's not struck me as somebody I ought to invest all that time with, maybe I'm being paranoid and maybe I should give her a chance to show she's more than what I'm seeing but when has that ever worked? Have to look at her eyes to see what exactly she hiding so much that she needs to distract me with all these things, that is my main focus with her right now. I know what it's like to hide parts of me and I know those parts are often deal breakers but luckily for me she's not been paying attention and I guess after I meet her we'll see what she really hiding. Did I mention she's from Barbados???
Pondering to get up and exercise as my blood is getting cold and I think I will, I've got the time and I do need to be outdoors so let's get to that. Only thing keeping me back is me because my mind says it's a great time to be outside. Well farewell for now, time to go walk and maybe hunt some pokemon.