Monday, August 1, 2011

Their Opinion vs Mine

Trusting god is something that we all too often do not truly understand the meaning of as human beings. I am of the solid belief that despite what we are taught, pride of the flesh simply gets in the way of us trusting god. As I grow older, I see more and more that it really comes down to personal faith that distracts me from truly trusting god's will. The lack of trust is to the point that even the very teachings I receive are considered untrustworthy and as a result I find myself questioning what is and what isn't. It is true that at the end of the day the word of man is subject to the interpretation of the flesh, but who am I to say where that contortion of the truth begins and ends? Psychology and religion teaches that an inability to trust comes from a lack of self trust, the theory states that he who does not trust himself will not and cannot trust others. I believe that there's truth in that as there have been times that i have found myself doubting situations based on my own reactions to similar situations and the decisions I have made. Having said that, there have also been numerous situations where I have doubted the results of a situation based on intuition and my suspicions were proven correct. In addition to those there have also been situations where my doubts were based on how I would've personally handled the given situation.

With all of these in mind, it may very well be proven that the religious leaders and psychologists may be correct in their theory. I however have a different opinion, I firmly believe that faith and belief in god and to a lesser extent man comes with an understanding of what god will do and not what I wouldn't do. That theory states that I can trust that what I would or wouldn't do does not reflect how others especially the almighty will reflect on me. It should be noted that my theory is based on the existing social concept that what I may do for others, others may not do for me. a concept most of us are very familiar with and may live by in certain situations. Despite what the experts and so called educated may say, I do not subscribe to the concept of karma nor any version of karma as it defies the logic of forgiveness. Karma is based on the old concept of eye for an eye and as I was taught by the very religious leaders who preach of karma's existence, the old ways of eye for an eye was abolished with the coming of Christ and the establishment of the new testament. So to you hypocritical bastards I say suck a dildo for attempting to confuse my mind and faith. If I go to hell for not trusting you corrupted and sickening excuses for leaders then so be it, while I do not wish to go to hell I'm very sure that I'll be seeing you there with me.

There is one thing that they said that will always stick with me as I do agree with it, "true knowledge is only available to those with blind understanding." That statement means that in order to truly understand what is and what isn't, you must wipe your mind clean of all that you have previously learnt and allow god to truly fill your mind and spirit with HIS knowledge and not that of man. No matter which religion or faith you belong to, they all identify with that statement because it is a fundamental truth of god that no man can ever corrupt. Even though different religious leaders use the statement as a sales pitch and not with the true intended purpose of guiding what they call lost souls. Sales pitch or not, I consider that a fundamental to unlocking true knowledge, who god uses to impart this true knowledge is where my issue currently resides. So if you're like me and you're unsure if your faith is where it should be at times, I can tell you this from my personal experience, faith in god sometimes involves doing things that you wouldn't normally do. It also involves doing things that you would normally do, but anything that god has you do will always work out for the benefit of you and that's a fact!

Better than that people