Thursday, January 14, 2010


Too many times the value of true understanding and appreciation is overlooked in our everyday lives. How is it that people who were created by a loving god can be so self-centred and cold towards the plight of others. Daily I'm amazed that the very people who cry for consideration by others in turn show none towards any one else because they're too caught up in their own lives and all of the problems that come with it.

Just today I witnessed the extremes to which a lack of understanding can create dissension in the work environment. An employee asked me to be a witness to a meeting with the General Manager in work today and the degeneration of the meeting was something to cry about. In one corner, there is a disgruntled employee who is not only young but from a broken background and attempting to break free from the barriers of poverty and strife. Facing seemingly impossible odds, from poor influences to low certification, he finds himself in the dregs of society constantly scorned upon and cast aside in favour of more academically inclined members of society. Highly misunderstood and unable to express himself appropriately in tense situations, on his own he is unable to bring his point across and is constantly ridiculed for his attempts to fit in and find himself in this cold world. In the other corner is a young manager battling with her responsibilities as well as motherhood and a family life, married at a young age and struggling to find her destiny, she is thrust into the complicated world of management practically unprepared for the strains and pains that come with rising through the corporate ladder. In this clash of varying personalities and lifestyles, there was no room for understanding by either party, what was intended to be a search for common ground was reduced to a hunt for blood with verbal missiles being fired on either end. Unfortunately, as the senior and superior, retaliation is often seen as arrogant and abusive because of the higher stature of the person holding a superior position. In the mind of the subordinate this retaliation is seen as condescending and hostile was not received well by the subordinate but matched with street like arrogance and as a result left the manager with no choice but to become authoritative as this was seemingly the only solution to the problem. It's a shame that this decision was made because had there been some sort of restraint and understanding displayed by the manager then maybe the employee would respond differently.

Most disturbingly is that there are people in your own circle who claim to understand who you are as a person on a whole but really only understand you from there own perspective and nothing else. It's a shame that people think this way, because those are the people who only know you for what they can get and nothing else. These people only see one side of you and attempt to persuade your entire person based on that one aspect of you. I've had such experiences in the past but one particular person has elevated this kind of behaviour to an extreme level where she expects to be worshiped by those around her. I'm uncertain as to how long men have displayed this kind of worshiping towards her, but I can honestly say that it's ruined her ability to move forward in life. She unknowingly has become dependent on the very people who worship her for motivation and opinions and is incapable of sourcing her own strength.

Always remember people that understanding is a word that describes how well we have a grasp on a situation. It has no limits or borders as to how much or how little we understand people, objects, functions or even the universe. Take time to observe and think before you act, otherwise you may be guilty of UNDERstanding and not comprehending.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Power means different things to different people, and as a result it is prioritized differently by different people. The true meaning of power has been debated for years and once again comes down to the personality involved. It is however agreed that power and control are almost one and the same as neither can function without the other. Personally speaking I define power as the source from which one is able to perform a given task or function. Using this definition, it follows that those with more power are able to do more and achieve more. It also follows the notion that power requires control for without control power is but a static force.

Having said the above, it must be pointed out that my views and definitions are as general as possible. The display and use of power has proven to be a controversial and stalling point in many aspects of life. Power has been used to attack and defend principles and ideals as well as traditions and beliefs, the line between good and bad in these uses is always the true source of conflict and many theorists have tried to clarify this line but all have failed miserably as it still and will always come down to personal values, ethics and morals. As each is as distinct as they are common, so to is the manner in which they will influence the use of power and authority. Therefore a person raised in a home or an environment where violence and dictatorship is the only way to become recognized can't be expected to be a flexible or charismatic individual. Gaining their respect can only be done through the display of brute force that must exceed their own by a sustainable margin. Anything less will be seen as a sign of weakness and will be given far less consideration than their own beliefs and foundation. In the same speed, such backgrounds have an underlying longing for a softer care and love that although it may be buried by the individual, will from time to time emerge in proper conditions and timing.

With so many variables to the definition and interpretation of power it is difficult to determine when lines are crossed other than by observing the various limits of people in differing circumstances. It is sadly left up to the borders of the very complicated human beings who seek clarification on a topic they themselves complicate.